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12 Chiundu Chaitwa lies of Church Elder HH and why Zambians must pray for his deliverance during these Easter Celebrations- Chris Zumani


12 Chiundu Chaitwa lies of Church Elder HH and why Zambians must pray for his deliverance during these Easter Celebrations

By Dr. Chris Zumani Zimba

Any SDA church elder or Christian who tells lies almost in every important discussion has a big spiritual problem and needs special prayers for deliverance. Yes, HH needs urgent prayers for deliverance during this Easter holiday because Bally has a dual lifestyle- he is a terrible addicted liar on one hand and an anointed SDA church elder on the other hand.

Below, l have picked only 12 Chiundu Chaitwa lies of church elder HH and why Zambian Christians must commit him into deliverance prayers during this holy Easter period:

  1. In Nigeria, there is one Alick Dangote, the richest man with known and visible businesses. In the US, the top five riches billionaires of 2024 are Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Warren Buffett: all with known and visible businesses. In Zambia, we have HH who has repeatedly lied to the world that he is among the wealthiest Zambians. But what is shocking is that, most Zambians don’t know HH’s companies apart from his livestock farm in Namwala. In fact, HH has repeatedly refused to declare his wealth as per law for fear of being exposed. So, lying HH has been lying about his wealth.
  2. “The 2024 drought is the worst in Zambia since 100 years ago”, HH lied on CNN interview last month. This is a shameful lie HH told the world. The truth is that, Zambia has a history of major droughts before 2021 and under every past presidents before HH himself. Keneth Kaunda faved it 1987/88 and 1991/92, FTJ Chiluba faced it in 1994/95 and 1997/98, Levy Mwanawasa faced it in 2001/03 and 2004/05, Rupiah Banda and Micheal Sata faced in 2011/12, and Edgar Lungu faced it in 2015/16 and 2018/2019. Where did HH get the lie of facing the worst drought since 100years? 100 means since 1924 when Kenneth Kaunda was born in what was then Northern Rhodesia.
  3. When CNN reporters were introducing President Hakainde Hichilema (HH) fir the interview, they said and repeated that “in the last two months (January and February), there hasn’t been a single drop of rains in Zambia”. Instead of guiding them with truth, HH validated the lies and added more of his own lies about no rains in Zambia. In his usual lies, HH created the worst desert scenario where no clouds or rain drops for January and February, 2024. It’s not true at all! On 24th, February, 2024 when HH was Guest of Honour in Chipata during the Ngoni Ncwala Ceremony, it was raining heavily and Bally was soaked. But HH chose to lie because he is a liar and it is normal for him to tell lies.
  4. On that CNN interview, President HH again lied that the current long hours of load shedding by ZESCO is as a result of the 2024 drought. This is heartbreaking for the dignity of our motherland. Currently, Zambia has enough water and electricity to supply every citizen with surplus power remaining. HH knows very well that Zambians are being punished with 8 to 10 hours heavy darkness of load shedding because he is the one selling and exporting electricity to Zimbabwe, South Africa, DR Congo, etc to make up on national revenue and foreign savings. But he chose to lie.
  5. The truth remains that PF and Lungu ended load shedding in Zambia as we have enough electricity for our citizens even under such droughts especially this time around. But our lying President and SDA church elder just decided to deceive the world about power shortage in Zambia even when he knows that, this heavy darkness of load shedding across our nation has little or nothing to do with the 2024 drought. If he stopped exporting power today, Zambia will not have load shedding today for now. As per his standard practice, Bally deliberately lied on CNN about the cause of load shedding because telling lies is the simplest and easiest thing for HH to do in life.
  6. In June 2022, HH lied before the floor of the European Union Parliament that Zambia is back in the Champions League. The truth is, Zambia has never been in the Champions League-it has never been a developed state like Norway, UK, Germany or Japan. In fact, HH has relegated Zambia from the so called Champions League left by PF’s Edgar Lungu to an Amateur League in terms of cost of living and has imposed a UPND government made starvation, hunger, poverty, alcohol dependency and load shedding among citizens.
  7. In opposition, HH constantly condemned Lungu for traveling abroad and nicknamed him as “Kamwendo Munjila “ ( someone who always travels). In less than three years, HH has become the most travelled Republican President since independence and likely to surpass all the foreign trips of past six presidents combined in five years. Therefore, Bally lied and Bally is still lying about traveling abroad.
  8. During the campaigns, HH promised Zambians that he will sale the Presidential Gulf Stream Jet upon taking office because it is a signature of grand corruption. To date, the presidential gulf jet is not only available for presidential flights, but is also actively being used covertly by state house under the noise of president HH. Lies define HH and HH is defined by lies.
  9. This Bally has repeatedly been lying to Zambians and the international community that Lungu wanted to kill him over his treason case in 2017 as he was put on death row. These are lies after lies before the world from Community House. Look, these are equally usual and typical “Chiundu Chaitwa lies” of HH because Bally never appeared before any High Court judge nor sentenced to life imprisonment or death penalty by anyone in Zambia at any given time. As expected, these are just naked lies of HH as per his deceptive tongue.
  10. In 2019, HH openly lied to Zambians that he had secured U$25.8 billion dollars investment pledges in U.S. Washington that would come into Zambia within six months of UPND forming government. Close to three years now, HH has been fighting to win the attention of IMF in order to receive a U$1.6 billion dollars loan. Today, HH is begging the international community for grants and donations. Close to three years now, Zambians have never seen billions of dollars HH promised will rain in the country upon him being elected into power. Empirically, the U$25.8 was HH’s usual lies which only existed in his lying head and nowhere else.
  11. Bally used to condemn Lungu that he was exploiting our farmers by giving them 2 to 3 bags of fertilizer plus crop seeds per year. HH promised that his government would be giving farmers 8 bags of fertilizer each . This what made most farmers vote for HH in huge numbers countrywide. Today, HH’s government has repeatedly made 5 to 10 farmers to share one or two bags of fertilizer in form of “MEDAS”. Bally has moved Zambia from being food secure to being a food begging state. Today, over 6 million Zambians are smiling starvation, hunger and death from food crisis since Bally sold more than 1.5 million metric tons of FRA reserves in 2022.
  12. HH boasted on “Bally will fix it” by promising “a heaven on earth life for Zambians”. Below, l have listed the price of basic commodities and services as of August 2021 under Lungu as follows: 25 kg mealie meal was at K90 to 130, 50 kg of fertilizer at K560, 50 kg cement at K80, fuel at K15 per liter, bus fair from Chipata to Lusaka at K260,000, bus fair from Chelston to Lusaka City Market at K10, 2kg sugar at K28, 1 kg pork was K56, 1 kg beef was K42,2 liters of cooking oil at K55 and so on. Today, all these prices have worsened, doubled and in some cases tripped.

The aforementioned are just random examples of multiple lies of HH before us. Therefore, as we celebrate Easter to remember the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we must not forget to put our president in prayers for God to deliver him from lies (BOZA, UBUFI). While we acknowledge that we are all sinners and have fallen short before God, we also agree that the SDA church elder called Bally in State House needs more special attention because of his addiction to lies, manipulation and falsehood. Remember, Zambia is a Christian Nation and our president must not be an addicted liar and gifted deceiver. Let’s pray for HH’s deliverance from BOZA-lies!

Dr Chris ZUMANI Zimba is a Political Scientist, Researcher, Author & Consultant specialized in Comparative Global Governance and Democratic Theories. He holds a PhD, MA, BA and Cert in Political Science. Zimba was President Lungu’s Political Advisor from December 2019 to August 2021. By philosophical approach, Dr. Zimba is a Pan Africanist as well as Afro-Christian by religion.


  1. Hahahaha….pwaaaaa.

    Imagine everything Chris has written is true and fact! He can go and literally copy and paste from Hakainde’s FB page. He can not be sued for defamation because he writes the truth.

    Anyway, is Hakainde really an Elder at SDA? Can someone really verify? I doubt it myself coz surely not every Jim or Jack can wonder into the Church and be made an elder. Do they have morality and integrity tests? No amount of money can buy self integrity or morality. Hence lies the problem.

  2. These writings about ” lies” are becoming childish and monotonous. Can’t we , as a nation move on and focus on other developmental milestones?
    We have to ask ourselves ” if I write one , two, three or more pages about ” lies” , how does it contribute to Zambia’s development?
    Just imagine use the same PHD brain and write something meaningful.
    By the way, I just read the title because I assumed that everything in this writing has been said by Kasonde Mwenda , Nakacinda , Lubinda and managing Editor Meembe

    • Ba Sense, I also just read the title and go to the comments section. Dr. Zumani is off his rocker. He has been behaving strangely lately.

      The PF crowd have come out in full force with guns blazing and SP’s Dr. M’membe is giving covering fire. It is good because it will keep the UPND on its toes though most times the opposition talk nonsense.

      As for me, I am not impressed and my vote is still with HH. He cares more for our nation than all these noise makers who run the country aground in the first place.

      • JMC
        You have hit the nail on the head. I am also more comfortable with HH and his administration than these fellows who ran down the country.

  3. This narrative is going nowhere. HH is giving this one and Membe sleepless nights where they spend hours looking for faults. Such people should get a life because they clearly don’t have one beyond daily criticism.

    The 5 year term is not over. And we will add anaza 5 years so that you continue criticising.

  4. Zumani is just a bitter dog after spending nights in jail following the gassing! HH till 2031. At the rate you are ranting, jail awaits you! Very soon, you will commit a crime

  5. In our culture, telling.lies especially by older members of society, is something not encouraged. The expectation is that they tell the truth. There are proverbs in Bemba that encourage truth-telling like: akanwa kamwefu takabepa (meaning a person old enough even to grow a beard should tell the truth). Then, there are proverbs negatively couched that despise bad habits like the telling of lies that result in the bad character of a person. Such as: uwakalema takaleka (same as the English expression: old habits die hard). Similar expressions in Bemba are: munyelela pe bwe tabula ku bwekeshapo ( the bird that leaves its droppings on that protruding rock formation on which villagers dry their food still goes back to it to leave its droppings). Or the proverb: imputi isula, taibula kubwekeshapo (translated as: an anus that is in the habit of farting will still fart).Though we are told by medics today that the practice of farting is healthy, as it expunges bad gases from the body. But who says we should fart publicly!

    • Matero Dr in usual support of your fellow Matero Dr, what are you saying about yourself since you fart amasushi publicly in all these writings you post everyday?

      • @impenfu
        Who said cockroaches are homo sapiens capable of rational discourse? They are insects thriving in dirt like fecal matter like the cockroach above is able to demonstrate to all and sundry.

    • Please @Dr. Mulenga Kaoma you need to understand that his Excellency President Hikainde Hichilema did not lie because the promises he made were not to be done in one year or two years but rather on a long term development goal. The new dawn within two years in government has done a lot of things. Pensioners whom the PF government failed to pay their benefits they have been paid. The government has employed teachers, nurses, and other health personnel, the police, soldiers and the private sector has been employing also. The process of recruitment and employment of the youth in the government and private sector is on going.

      In addition, the citizens through Cooperatives have been empowered with loans and the youth have been receiving various training in vocational and trades institutions. Similarly, the CDF which are funds to propel local development have been timely disbursed to respective Constituencies and local authorities. The operations of local authorities in Zambia to delivery public services has been strengthened. Eversince, the new dawn government came into power we never seen local authorities going on strike because of non payments of workers’ monthly salaries as the trend is the thing of the past.

      Further, local authorities are also able to mobilise their own source revenue (OSR). The revenues that the PF thugs used to collect dubiously are now being collected by local authorities themselves. There is also improved prudent management of public funds in local and central government.

      There is also restoration of the rule of law. People are now moving and mingling freely without being attacked or harassed by their political opponents. During the PF regime opposition political members were being abused and oppressed. Freedoms of association, assembly and speech were restricted among opposition political partymembers. The Zambia Police was toothless and PF thugs used to beat and attack police officers at police stations. Today the rule of law has been totally restored.

      The problem with the PF is that its members were used to receiving handouts gotten from stolen and corrupt money. During PF regime anyone who attacked UPND members and insulted President Hikainde Hichilema was heavily rewarded with stolen and corrupt money. PF thugs competed against each other in ensuring that those who became aggressive and perpetuated atrocities to UPND became heros and famous and majority of the PF members thought violence was better than treating their opponents with love and respect. The PF cadres and their masters used to flash out huge amounts of money anyhow in public. They spent money carelessly because the source of that money was through corruption and thieving. It is only a fool and a thieve who can flash huge sums of money anyhow.

      Most of the musicians and certain compromised Christians and Churches were coerced with lots of stolen money by the PF for them to discredit President Hikainde Hichilema but their evil schemes failed.

      In short, I would say that the bunch of PF members and other opposition political parties are still nursing humiliation and frustrations they suffered from election defeat in August 2021.

      Indeed if Mulenga Kaoma you are a genuine doctor kindly carryout a comparative analysis to compare the promises PF made during their campaign when they were in opposition, what they achieved during their reign and with new dawn government have done in two years. Your rantings are nonsense and foolish.

      • @knowledge
        Lies are lies, bane. When HH was making promises, he was being asked how he was going to achieve what he was promising. He never threw down any clues. Just as he did not break down his promises in terms of what could be achieved in the short, medium and long term. He was merely groping in the dark with his promises. You talk about pensioners who were not being paid by PF having been paid by UPND. All this is part of UPND’s continued lies. My sister who worked and died in 2005 under MMD got paid as was the case with so many others during the time of PF. I was following up her case with her children. For your own information, this backlog of unpaid retires goes as far back as Chiluba’s MMD. All governments after that have struggled to clear that backlog. Today, a semi-autonomous public institution like UNZA still has retirees taking between 5 and 8 years to receive their terminal benefits. Some of those who were on contract before 2017 have between 1 to 2 gratuities still unpaid. The last time many contractual obligations were paid out to a good number of UNZA employees was from the loan UNZA took out from ZANACO which was guaranteed by the PF government. Since 2021, UPND has not given any new money to UNZA for the payment of contractual obligations. There are long-serving employees who have been waiting for up to 11 years for their superannuation benefits from ZISC. The superannuation scheme is as good as non-operational and awaits money from GRZ to give to ZISC to pay beneficiaries. As for teacher and health personnel recruitment, UPND has only been able to fill available vacancies in MOH and MoE which was made possible through PF having built more schools, hospitals and clinics. There is no way PF would not have recruited health and education personnel after having put up infrastructure. What remains for UPND to do is go beyond what PF did and provide decent housing for health and education workers in order to retain them, particularly in rural areas. Free education has increased access to education that has led to overfilled classrooms that does not help enhance educational outcomes. More teachers need to be recruited. More classrooms also need to be built to match the increase in the population of school-going children. CDF is only working to build 1×3 classrooms blocks that still remain inadequate. Much of it is going into cooperatives formed along political, kinship and ethnic lines. Some people who have never done business before are getting CDF money to fly into UAE and China to but clothes that they come to resell in Zambia. It remains to be seen whether CDF will help lift many Zambians out of their poverty.

  6. Zuman, do you even think before you write? What assets are you talking about because every presidential candidate declares his/her assets at the filling of nominations and HH did that, go to ECZ, the record is there. Come 2026, when HH files for his second term nominations, he will still declare his assets, so what is your problem? About the Gulf Stream, have you ever seen HH using the Gulf Stream? HH uses the challenger and if there are people using the Gulf Stream, he can’t stop them because it is not his personal property and when he refused to use it, it was him who refused but he did not refuse any other person to use it. The Gulf Stream is our property, the Zambian people and we are at liberty to sell it if the person or the office we bought it for doesn’t want to use it or doesn’t use it.

  7. After being locked up a few days for the gassing issue this chap has now come out in full force with a bitter hatred for HH writing condemning articles about HH and upnd at every opportunity that prevails. Best thing to do is just ignore him.

  8. The number of write-ups from this man in a week tells me something.
    I do not think I would be wrong to assume he is being paid by Chagwa.
    Take a look a the lengths of his postings which I do not even read because I know his objective which have to be in accordance with his master.

  9. A Dr without sense ,your writings are useless just like you’re useless, HH is not like you who failed to be a Dr you idiot, HH is a successful elder of the church and that is why small aunts like you are able to insult him without retaliate, keep on dreaming 2026 will be a walkover and the funeral will be on you who are wishing him a down,the man has done the work aggressively and diligently

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