1. Proposed total budget K173,000,000,000 ($10,000,000,000)
2. 30, 0000 teachers and 11,200 health workers to be recruited
3. 130 Secondary Schools to be built and Tuition fees, Examination Fees and PTA fees to be abolished in 2022
4. Increase Constituency Development Fund(CDF) to be increased from K1,600,000.00 to K25,700,000.00
5. PAYE exemption threshold from K4000 to K4500. This means that you will not pay tax if your salary is K4500 and less. This will increase disposable income by K600 m resulting into increased investment and aggregate expenditure to stimulate demand
6. All retirees to be paid in 2022
7. Importation for Stock feeds for cattle to be zero rated
8. Renewal of PSV license to be done once in 5 years as opposed to annually
9. K13.9bn allocated to the Health Sector to enhance equitable access to quality healthcare services
10. Wards/communities will determine which child will be given a school bursary
11. K18.2 Billion towards the education sector
12. Govt will no longer import desks – all developmental resources to be localized to help cut down the high unemployment rate in various constituencies