AN Airtel money agent sales representative whose booth is opposite Serenje’s Simpa Hardware Emmanuel Mooya aged 22, cried terribly last night after a K2,600 he was supposed to cash in turned into papers.
The incident occurred yesterday between 18:00 and 19:00 hours when Emmanuel helped an unknown person with change for K100, unfortunately, later when he was about to knock off he checked his bag where he had put money only to find papers.
Emmanuel a resident in Serenje’s Zambia cried uncontrollably after learning the magic saying he didn’t know how he would tell his boss a known civil servant.
Recently a similar incident happened in one of the booths that are opposite Serenje urban clinic involving a sum of more than K4000.
George Mtonga has offered to help Emmanuel set up is own Airtel money business after the money he was supposed to cash in turned into paper
An Airtel money agent sales representative whose booth is opposite Serenje’s Simpa Hardware Emmanuel Mooya aged 22, cried terribly last night after a k2,600 he was supposed to cash in turned into papers.
The incident occurred yesterday between 18:00 and 19:00 hours when Emmanuel helped an unknown person with change for k100, unfortunately, later when he was about to knock off he checked his bag where he had put money only to find papers.
George Mtonga has offered to replace the money he lost and he will be given his own booth. Emmanuel will also be given his own float and will be registered with airtel.
more update:
George Mtonga has officially communicated with Emmanuel via WhatsApp video call and financial help has been offered to him.
Emmanuel was last night scammed of K2600 which turned into papers as he was about to cash in to his boss.
God bless you George Mtonga🙏