George Sichula

It has now become very clear that the PF Government intends to seriously rig 2021 General elections. Many Zambians became suspicious from the onset on why the ECZ were avoiding the Participation of stakeholders in the online voter registration process.

Here is a brilliant plan for PF to rig elections;

* They are targeting opposition controlled territories like Southern, Western, North Western and Central Provinces. For argument’s sake, if for instance we had 1.5m registered voters in Southern Province, ECZ will delete the old list and with our low literacy levels, it means only a 10% of this number will manage to register online and the remaining will have to depend on physical registration. This is where maths will be played. Quiet alright equal number of days will be allocated to all the Provinces to do physical voter registration but be assured that in some areas perceived to be opposition, there shall be Loadshedding and voter registration equipments breaking down while buying time in order to reduce the numbers. If Southern Province had 1.5m voters, the system will reduce the numbers to half because they know that these numbers after all belong to the opposition. In all the PF perceived strongholds, ECZ will work within the stipulated time 24/7 without any Loadshedding and no machines to break down so as to increase the numbers.

To make it brief, the PF are fully aware that Copperbelt and lusaka Provinces are gone already due to social media platforms despite Government having closed some influential media houses like Prime TV. Online voter registration is not a big deal with the two Provinces, we are already doing it. The PF are playing a very smart game of numbers. It is not easy for them to win by popular vote. These guys desperately want to win either by hook or crook. But we are ahead of them by far. This PF you see today will soon collapse like jerico. Zambians have reached a point of no return.


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