… as he questions rationale behind Lungu’s two-hours deafening silence at presidential summit.

United Party for National Development (UPND) Secretary General Stephen Katuka has questioned President Edgar Lungu’s silence during yesterday’s Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Presidential Summit.

Mr Katuka wondered why the Head of State and his party’s Secretary General Davies Mwila could remain taut to their seats at the two-hours long summit and fail to put the ruling party’s position on a number of pressing electoral issues on the table.

Mr Katuka said it would not be wrong for anyone to think that President Lungu and his Secretary General kept quiet because they knew they were well represented by the ECZ officials and a number of their surrogate political parties. Some of these parties lacked depth and seriousness in the deliberation – to a point of asking Mr Lungu for his daughter’s wedding cake.

“A meeting of this magnitude, attended by the Head of State has not yielded anything as it was a usual talking show. Worse still, the entire Republican President and his entourage, came for this meeting; sitting there for more than two hours and just walked out without saying a single word,” he stated.

That shows how they belittle important meetings because they cannot say anything; meaning even the processes that have done, they have not endorsed whatever has been said. Because if they did, they could have said something even commending ECZ for the meeting,” said Mr Katuka.

In his usual fashion, Mr Lungu, who came late for the Presidential Summit, sat mute for two hours; without a word.

The silence by the Head of State and his entire entourage in yesterday’s ECZ organised summit was a display of irresponsible leadership and confirms Mr Lungu’s lack of commitment to a credible, free and fair election in the forthcoming 2021 polls.



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