Patrick Mucheleka

By Chileshe Mwango

The opposition UPND has described the ruling Patriotic Front’s use of village headmen from Dundumwenze to mobilize itself in the constituency as an act of desperation.

Yesterday, over 30 headmen from Dundumwenze visited the PF Secretariat in Lusaka to show solidarity to the ruling party and assure them that they will win the 2021 polls in the constituency.

And addressing the headmen from all villages in Dundumwenze constituency, Pf Secretary General Davis Mwila expressed confidence of changing the disappointing election results the party suffered in Dundumwenze constituency in the 2016 general elections.

And UPND Deputy Secretary General Patrick Mucheleka has advised the PF to desist from involving headmen in politics as they preside over people who have different political affiliations.

Mr. Mucheleka tells Phoenix News that despite this move by the PF to use traditional leaders; the UPND will still beat the ruling party in the constituency by a wider margin in the 2021 polls.



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