Suspended ConCourt judges take HH to court


Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba writes:

Suspended ConCourt judges take HH to court

The three suspended Constitutional Court judges have filed a notice of application for leave to apply for Judicial Review which seeks to quash the decision of President Hakainde Hichilema to suspend them from office for alleged professional misconduct.

The three include Justice Annie Mwewa Sitali, Justice Mugeni Siwale Mulenga and Justice Palan Mulonda

The trio who have cited the Attorney General as the respondent also want an order that the proceedings by the Judicial Complaints Commission (JCC) that were to be held on September 30, 2024 be stayed until further order of the court.

The judges also want an order that the proceedings before the JCC were llegal, a nullity and void on grounds of re judicata/ estoppel.

According to an application for Judicial Review, the three are seeking an order for the purpose of quashing the decision of the JCC made on September 23, 2024 to reopen and hear a matter relating to the handling of the petition between Hakainde Hichilema and another vs Edgar Lungu and others.


  1. This is the right course of action to take.

    The only problem is that the judges hearing this case might all come from the same region he comes from. He made sure he put his own people in key judiciary positions to save to dodgy behind.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. Trying to stop a case which they allowed to be heard or reopened themselves because it came with new submissions that were not part of earlier submissions.What is the impression now being given.These court battles are against development of the country.One person with high appetite for ballot appearance is making the nation to dance to his tune.Zambia today for us.

  3. Let the President even open a tribunal so that these Judges are effectively dealt with. In 2016, the full bench had okayed the petition to be heard but the three squashed or reversed the decision, so what do they want now? A wrong is a wrong, they erred to do that. The action taken by the President is within his Constitutional powers to do so. Sata did it, Lungu did it, who sued them to Court?

  4. The battle lines have been drawn and now it up to justice to prevail.

    We the voters are the true victims in the vicious onslaught of right and wrong. We pay the price.

    We certainly are at cross roads here. What is important now is to ensure that the right thing is done regardless of personal interests. Remember a fact stands on its own as being right without anyone helping it stand.

    The truth and only the truth will ushers us into a promising future where accountability should be upheld regardless of party affiliation. Zambia is bigger than a person’s ambition.

    I side with the truth and Zambia and pray this truth will have it’s say regardless of who feels unhappy.

    We owe the future generation a positive and morally correct reaction to all these terrible issues tearing us apart. And lastly no one is above the law. Period.

  5. Ba Indigo, Mr. Lungu packed the Constitutional Court and the whole judicially with PF cadres. They danced to his every whim unashamedly.

    The DPP was a PF cadre and even went to the extent of granting immunity from prosecution to the KCM “liquidator” who plundered the company and later on surrendered a token US$24 million to the state.

    As for the constitutional court, it has caused the nation a lot of grief instead of relief. They made some buffling decisions in their effort to please their master Mr. Lungu.

    Truly, Mr. Lungu presided over chaos. Confusion is his middle name.


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