A Government Of Fake Prophecies- Emmanuel Chilekwa


    Emmanuel Chilekwa

    The Bally government is curving and engraving its legacy as a government of fake promises and fake prophecies. At every juncture, their word is missing the target or milestone timeline.

    Meanwhile, the Kwacha has continued disregarding Bally’s swearing in milestone of 14hrs as it is confirming that he lied or gave a wrong economic prophecy and yet he is an economist. Bally has still continued giving fresh promises or prophecies – badly missing them like the way Prophet Isaac Amataa missed his.

    The Bally regime is totally lost regarding what’s happening to our economy. Today, head of government business in Parliament wondered why commodity prices are not coming down and yet inflation is adjusting downwards though not as expected single digit projected.

    To scroungers for an answer, she has tasked the Commerçe ministry to get to the ground and find out why commodity prices are still this high.

    What am wondering is whether the Vice President understands that when you are an import oriented country, not exporting as much, your currency is always stressed.

    Again, the Verp does not seem to recognise the time of the year that festive season puts stress on the Kwacha because even food spices, drinks and essential commodities are all imported.

    If the head of government is this uninformed by her team of experts, we are in for a rough ride. Not amusing that she was presenting a non existing Constitutional law and was unable to distinguish bailable and non bailable offence until she was corrected.

    But, these are not the only government leaders missing it. Even Presidential State House Aides have put in the public podium false information about their only Boss, telling us that he sits on certain Boards when in fact not until Banknof Zambia wrote to Airtel to correct the mess.

    Even on simple information over vaccinations, communication is a huge challenge to get to know what is being communicated. Someone says it is mandatory, others say it is voluntary and yet when you don’t have it, you are being turned away – raising debate where there’s supposed to he non.

    So, if the Bosses are missing it, the 25 advisors are missing it, we only pray to zGod to sustain our going FORWARD by faith not by pseudo facts and missed promises and fake prophecies as they are being given to us.

    We are on auto pilot. Mulungu azawelusa.



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