A New Chapter for Democracy: Peaceful and Progressive By-Elections – DR NEVERS SEKWILA MUMBA



A New Chapter for Democracy: Peaceful and Progressive By-Elections

One thing the media hasn’t fully captured is the unprecedented peace during this by-election. Political parties are focused on their policies and what they have to offer the people, not on hostility or violence. This shift has made the work of the police remarkably easy, a stark contrast to the past when elections were marred by gunshots, teargas, injuries, and unfair arrests. Personally, I’ve been jailed over 17 times in such hostile climates.

What’s even more inspiring is seeing different political players living in the same lodges, sharing drinks at the same tables, and having meaningful, progressive conversations. This level of civility is refreshing and shows that we can compete fiercely while respecting one another.

My prayer is that Zambia continues on this trajectory—a fair and peaceful playing field where the strong, the weak, the rich, and the poor can all participate equally. This is the democracy we’ve dreamed of, and it’s one we must protect.


  1. Mushanina bwali.

    The fallen angel is working hard for his nshima.

    Hunger can reduce a grown man to behave this way.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Ba Indigo, for once, please attack the message. It is unfair to attack Mr. Mumba as a person when his message is about something else.

      Do you find anything wrong with the message?

      • Indigo’s bitterness has clouded his reasoning. He needs to rediscover himself. The topic at hand is civility in our politics. He goes headlong to display his lack of the same – civility.

      • Ba JMC,

        The character of the messenger matters a lot.

        We have had messengers telling us mealie meal would cost K50 per 50kg bag if we voted for them. See now what happened. There are a lot of fake messengers around, be careful Sir.

        Vote wisely in 2026.


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