Dr. Mujajati Aaron
Following the announcement that Enock Mwepu will no longer play football due to what has been referred to as a hereditary heart condition, a lot of speculation has ensued. In order to help our readers make sense of what is happening we will say the following:
Enock Mwepu’s medical team has spoken in general terms about his medical condition. To say a hereditary heart condition is very general as there are a lot of conditions in that group of diseases. One of the major reasons doctors do this is to maintain confidentiality. The other reason is if the specific diagnosis has not yet been arrived at but the disease process and the extent of the damage is well understood.
At this stage there is simply not enough information that would assist us to speak intelligently about the situation.
Therefore, we are constrained. Understand that engaging in speculative commentary would not help our readers, and worse still Enock Mwepu and his loved ones. We will wait to hear more from his doctors or Enock Mwepu himself. In the mean time let us continue to provide solidarity to Enock and his loved ones.