HOME Affairs and Internal Security Minister Jack Mwiimbu says police officers who have been arrested for murdering IBA Director Guntila Muleya went clubbing at East Park Mall after committing the gruesome crime.
Giving a ministerial statement on the matter yesterday, Mwiimbu said the accused police officers were actually worse than junkies.
In a follow up question, Gwembe Member of Parliament Tyson Simuzingili wanted to find out whether Police IG Graphel Musamba had been vindicated, following his statement that the police service had junkies.
In response, Mwiimbu said rogue police officers were tarnishing the name of the police service. “The majority of police officers in this country, men and women, are upright and professional in their conduct and hardworking.
News Diggers
Every section of society may have bad eggs or elements.Police is not exceptional.If we demonize the police so much then we shall attract lawlessness, people may fail to have faith in police and it will be free for all.People may put law in their own hands
Ba Muleta, our police have a negative reputation and Iam not being mean. Anyone who has dealt with the police will tell you how thoroughly corrupt they are. What happened to Mr. Muleya is not an isolated incident. The rot runs deep.
It is impossible to go to the police and get assistance without parting with some money. I know what I am talking about.