Antonio Mwanza Fired From His Socialist Party Position As Deputy Secretary General

Antonio Mwanza
Antonio Mwanza

Socialist Party Deputy General Secretaries for Politics and Administration, Antonio Mwanza and Alick Tembo respectively, FIRED



  1. The beginning of the end of his caria this Antonio mwanza Mozambiquian guy but since he has got no shameful he may go back into ukwa alliance the bunch of criminals fortunately enough Nicolas Maduro sensed danger had to fire him .

  2. Genuine politics demands integrity, honesty, truthfulness and selfless because politics is a service to the people and not employment. Antonio Mwanza is a job seeker who survives by chancing political opportunities to secure employment. Whenever, he joins any political party he vies and negotiates for positions attached with a salary. The youngman only makes political rethoric and hallucinations when his mouth and belly are full of food. He is slowly crumbling and his end result will be shameful. Don’t be surprised to see him denouncing Fred M’membe at UKA ‘s gathering. He is planning to associate himself with UKA because he has observed Edgar Chagwa Lungu ‘s vulnerability
    and desperately looking for support from people who can talk on his behalf. Also, UKA at the moment has one big political fish who is ready and willingly to dish out money to his supporters.

  3. Political drama is on! There is no dull moments in Zambia.Its like the adventures of Robinson Crusoe.Man Friday.Robinson Crusoe on an island! Go Mwanza Go.The boss was heard to be stranded in Caracas where he went to show solidarity to Nicholus Maduro Venezuela.

  4. Some political parties are solely known in Lusaka City. They are very good at writing articles on social media. Do they think peasant farmers are interested in articles?
    Especially someone who speaks for PF but he is socialist.
    It is very easier to criticize your opponent than run your party


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