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Archbishop Mpundu petitions the United States Govt to impose financial sanctions, visa restrictions, and travel bans against top Zambian officials undermining democratic rights in Zambia



Mr Michael Gonzales
United States Ambassador to Zambia
P. O. Box 320065
Lusaka, Zambia

8 March 2024

Dear Ambassador,

RE: Petition for the United States Government to impose financial sanctions, visa restrictions, and travel bans against top Zambian officials undermining democratic rights in Zambia

Refer to the above captioned subject.

Formed in June 2020, Our Civic Duty Association (OCIDA) is a registered civil society organisation in Zambia working to advance democracy, good governance, and human rights. It is made up of senior citizens whose only aspiration is to advance the public good.

We, in OCIDA, are deeply alarmed by the continued abuse institutions of governance and the erosion of democracy in Zambia today under the leadership of President Hakainde Hichilema and his ruling United Party for National Development (UPND). Of particular concern are the violations of democratic rights such as the right to public assembly, free speech, freedom of association, and the right to a speedy trial. Also worrying is the continued abuse of state institutions like the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Independent Broadcasting Authority, the Zambia Police Service, the National Assembly of Zambia, and the Judiciary.

On several occasions, OCIDA and other organisations such as the Zambian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Law Association of Zambia and Chapter One Foundation have called on the Zambian Government to respect and enable the expression of these fundamental democratic rights. Our combined calls have fallen on deaf ears. What we have instead witnessed over the last several months are further restrictions on these rights. Public rallies by opposition parties continue to be banned by the Zambia Police Service, the Judiciary continues to engage in what appears to be wilful delay of the resolution of urgent political matters affecting the main opposition party, the Executive arm of government continues to interfere in the operations of other institutions, the leadership of the national assembly continues to undermine democracy in parliament, critics of the government continue to face intimidation and threats from state institutions and public officials, and leaders of the opposition continue to face arrest from the police based on what appears to be politically motivated charges. This is not the Zambia we want. This is the Zambia we rejected in August 2021.

In view of the continued abuse of governance institutions and the violations of democratic rights in Zambia, OCIDA calls on the United States Government to impose financial sanctions, visa restrictions, and travel bans against the below-named officials of the Government of the Republic of Zambia whose conduct has aided this continued suppression of democracy in Zambia. We make our call in the wake of the recent decision by the US Government, as part of its democracy-centred foreign policy, to impose similar sanctions on members of the Government of Zimbabwe who are at the forefront of restricting democratic rights, tolerating corruption, and abusing governance institutions. It in this light that we petition the administration of President Joe Biden, through the US Embassy in Zambia, to impose sanctions on the following officials of the Zambian Government:

  1. Police Inspector General Graphel Musamba

Since his appointment as Inspector General of Police in April 2023, Mr Musamba has presided over the prohibition of opposition party meetings. Not a single public rally called by opposition parties has been sanctioned under his command. Mr Musamba has cited unspecified security concerns and inadequate manpower as justifications for this continued violation of the right to public assembly, even in instances where opposition parties have offered to provide their own security. It is impossible for multiparty democracy to be seen as a legitimate political system of government if political parties, created by the Constitution of Zambia, are not allowed to freely meet their members and conduct their activities.

In a truly functioning democracy, citizens are and must be free to exercise the right to peaceful assembly at any time they wish, including outside the elections. The job of the police service is to facilitate the enjoyment of this right, not to curtail it. Mr Musamba’s continued violation of the right to peaceful assembly represents a threat to national peace and stability, a danger to the survival of Zambia’s democracy, and a blatant defilement of the Constitution of Zambia, which mandates the police to protect and defend human rights and democracy. As Elias Chipimo noted in April 1980 when criticising the restrictions on political and civil rights under then President Kenneth Kaunda, the multi-party system is “the surest way of avoiding coups and eliminating the disgraceful tendency of presidents ending up with bullets in their heads.” Alarmingly, the current Inspector General of Police has proved to be an apostle of state-sponsored lawlessness as he has been in the forefront of not only breaking rather than enforcing the law but also undermining the very multiparty character of the Republic.

  1. Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security Jack Mwiimbu

Mr Musamba’s efforts to undermine democratic rights in Zambia have been aided by the conduct of his superior, the Minister of Home Affairs and Infernal Security Mr Jack Mwiimbu. Under Mr Mwiimbu’s leadership, the Zambia Police Service has been turned into a private militia of the ruling party. As well as supporting the police’s continued refusal to sanction meetings organised by opposition parties, Mr Mwiimbu has also presided over the numerous arrests of nearly all opposition party leaders in Zambia, except those aligned to the ruling party, on frivolous charges. All these developments have occurred whilst the minister and his police officials continue to ignore the offences committed by members of the ruling party and the government, even when the same are formally reported to the police by the victims. As a result, a two-tier policing system has been created under his command: one for members of the opposition and another for members of the ruling UPND.

In addition, governance institutions such as the Registrar of Societies have been repeatedly suffered abuse from Mr Mwiimbu’s ministry. For instance, a former Registrar of Societies who refused to carry out unlawful changes to the leadership of the main opposition party – changes that were aimed at instigating factional divisions in the main opposition Patriotic Front party – was unceremoniously hounded out of office and replaced with a malleable official who has not only obeyed the illegal commands but also paved the way for the installation of a pliant leadership in the main opposition party.

Mr Mwimbu is also ultimately responsible for the police’s ongoing efforts to frustrate the registration of an umbrella alliance of opposition parties, namely the United Kwacha Alliance. Citizens have the right to associate with a political formation of their choice, and the job of the Ministry of Home Affairs is to enable the enjoyment of this right, not to undermine the freedom of association. Democracy is at great risk of collapsing when democratic rights like the freedom of association are restricted. And when people lose trust in the capacity of formal institutions to represent them, they are likely to resort to democratic means of expressing their discontent – and indeed of changing governments.

  1. Speaker of the National Assembly Nellie Mutti

A known supporter of the ruling UPND, the Speaker of the National Assembly has been at the forefront of undermining democracy in parliament. Ms Nellie Mutti has presided over unconstitutional changes to the leadership of the official opposition in parliament (consequently trampling on the rule of law by overlooking matters that are before Court over the same issue), been quick to suspend opposition lawmakers at will, especially those who question her judgement, and has, on several occasions, curtailed opposition and independent MPs from debating freely in the House, especially on matters that relate to criticism of the Executive.

This demonstrated partiality by Speaker Mutti harms Zambia’s constitutional democracy in that it violates the principle of separation of powers and the right of parliament to scrutinise the activities of the Executive as part of promoting accountability. Multiparty democracy is strengthened when all three arms of government carry out their activities in a manner that enhances or promotes checks and balances. Ms Mutti has proved, time and time again, to be a mere appendage of the Executive, committed to advancing the interests of the ruling party rather than the greater cause of democracy. Her continued adverse actions risk undermining public trust in the capacity of parliament to truly be a people’s House and ultimately in the very integrity of the democratic system.

  1. Chief Justice Mumba Malila

When Mr Mumba Malila was appointed Chief Justice, OCIDA was among the many Zambians and organisations that then and subsequently commended his appointment. Our hope that Mr Malila would provide leadership to this vital state institution, without whom democracy cannot flourish, was based on his impressive track record of defending fundamental freedoms and human rights not only in Zambia but also in international organisations where he had worked.

Unfortunately, in recent years, Chief Justice Malila has proved to be a great disappointment. Our faith in his leadership has since decreased considerably. Not only has he lamentably failed to provide effective leadership in ensuring speedy trial for politically sensitive cases, especially those whose outcome have a significant bearing on the state and direction of Zambia’s democracy; he has also, in an unprecedented move, deployed the Judiciary to intimidate and attack, through press statements, ordinary citizens who dare to criticise the institution’s performance under his watch. The capture of Zambia’s main opposition party by the executive branch of government has been enabled by the conduct of the judiciary under Mr Malila’s watch. Judges handling the matters have sat on them while the Chief Justice continues to criss-cross the world, giving speeches to unsuspecting audiences, some of them emphasising the importance of speedy trial and judicial independence.

Mr Malila’s proximity to President Hichilema – demonstrated in regular shared public spaces and the Chief Justice’s penchant of inviting the head of the Executive to address judicial meetings – has also raised public eyebrows about the extent of judicial independence under his watch. These fears have been aided by several instances where announcements that must come from the Judiciary are first made by the President. A clear example is how the President recently announced to the public a Statutory Instrument that was yet to be signed by the Chief Justice. How did the President know about it? The only hypothesis is that the President could have been the author.

  1. The Director of Public Prosecutions Gilbert Phiri

The Director of Public Prosecutions Gilbert Phiri is a former personal lawyer of President Hichilema. Any hopes that Mr Phiri would rise above these personal historic ties to conduct the affairs of his office in an impartial manner were extinguished long ago. Instead of defending public interest and the integrity of the legal system, Mr Phiri has been in the forefront of refusing to sanction the prosecution of government and ruling party officials whilst doing the opposite for members of the opposition. Not only has his conduct undermined the integrity of the legal system; it also represents a threat to the legitimacy of the multiparty political system. DPP Phiri has clearly shown that he is working with the President on many cases to undermine democracy and human rights.

  1. Electoral Commission of Zambia Chairperson Mwangala Zaloumis

Ms Mwangala Zaloumis is another official with known ties to the ruling UPND. Appointed to the role by President Hichilema, she has since led the Electoral Commission of Zambia in disfranchising citizens by way of excluding candidates of the main opposition party from taking part in elections to the benefit of the UPND. Complaints from opposition parties about the abuse of state resources by government officials during by-elections have also been ignored by Ms Zaloumis. The multiparty system rests on having an independent electoral commission that enjoys public trust and is impartial in its conduct. The current leadership of the Electoral Commission of Zambia is far from these requisites and represents a danger to peace, stability, and the survival of democracy in the country.

  1. President Hakainde Hichilema

If there is one person who deserves sanctions for undermining democracy and democratic rights in Zambia, it is President Hichilema. Not only is he the one responsible for the appointment of other democracy-threatening officials like Mr Musamba, Mr Mwiimbu, Ms, Mutti, Mr Malila, Ms Zaloumis, and Mr Phiri; President Mr Hichilema has also aided their conduct by neglecting to reprimand or sanction them for undermining civil and political rights. The Police, for example, has been used as a tool to suppress political opponents or arrest government critics. In fact, Mr Hichilema has praised Mr Musamba’s harrowing performance, publicly stating that he wished he had resurrected the latter from retirement much earlier.

The President of Zambia as Head of State and Government must be a fountain of justice and equity and presidential functions must be performed with dignity and transparency. The President must be above partisan considerations when treating citizens whether in opposition or in support of government. All these principles are provided for in the Constitution of Zambia under which he took the Oath of Office. Unfortunately, President Hichilema has not lived true to these ideals. His administration has divided the country on ethnic-regional lines. Key Government positions are now a preserve of members of his ethnicity and adjacent tribes in Western, Northwestern, and Central provinces. We are witnessing a purge in government and State-Owned Enterprise of Zambians who hail from the Northern or Eastern provinces based on the belief that they are supporters of the main opposition party. In recent months, civil servants hailing from these provinces have been displaced from their positions and replaced with people who come from Southern and Western Zambia. This state-sponsored polarisation has created tension in the country and undermined nation building and stability. The spirit of One Zambia One Nation is now but an illusion.

President Hichilema has also ignored growing incidents of corruption in his administration, including among members of his oner circle. Not only has he failed to publish his assets and declarations as a way of showing leadership; he has further ignored calls to do so from several people including Zambians and non-Zambians such as yourself, Ambassador. This is not the character of a man who is committed to fighting corruption.

Having highlighted how the conduct of the above officials continue to undermine democracy in Zambia, we reiterate our call that targeted sanctions against these specific individuals be imposed on them to serve as a deterrent. We believe that such a move is an imperative at this juncture, if the United States is to be perceived as fair and consistent in its application of foreign policy values, central of which is democracy promotion and the sanctioning of those who undermine it. Although many people think the current President of Zambia is a darling of the United States, we believe that the interests of the two nations are by far larger than the interest of an individual leader – especially when that leader is in the forefront of undermining democracy and abusing institutions of governance.

We look forward to your action-oriented response.

Yours faithfully,

Emeritus Archbishop Telesphore G. Mpundu
Chairman, OCIDA


  1. You have the right to do so ba Archibishop and we wish you well. Otherwise some of us, we keep our eyes straight on the ball. We say, President HH, keep it up.

  2. Have we reached this stage really?
    This is very sad for a man of god.
    From my point of view, the Zambian people are passing through a period of relative peace, despite the hunger situation looming.

  3. OCIDA like Awisi Tasila and the Wailers outfit are walking a laughable path. Just yesterday Zambia was rated the third country in the world that have risen from autocratic rule to sound democracy. And ba Mpundu can today ask the US government to sanction President Hakainde Hichilema and the others he has named. Come on man of God. You would do well to step back and rest.

  4. The first sanctions should be imposed on the Bishop himself for going to bed with Lungu who raped our democracy. Now Zambia is a shining example of a democratic nation. Why didn’t he report the Pf who killed a lof of zambia? You want to abuse the freedom the UPND has brought and start committing crime ! You are arrested and then you cry foul. Go to heaven!

  5. Just as stupid as an idiot supporting this idiot claiming to be a priest, so is the idiot claiming to be the priest of doom and a chief witch ignorant of the fact that the ambassador lives in Zambia and also in a global community where nothing is not exposed. STUPID IDIOT.

  6. What a selfish and silly archibishop this is!!!? Is it because of his age?? Does he know who will suffer most? It will be the mothers and children. Ask our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe, they will tell you old man.

    • To the contrary. This Bishop is a true patriotic citizen of our country Zambia. Even if you’re a staunch supporter of the ruling government, surely you can’t see what is happening in our country? Don’t pretend to be myopic of the ills brought up by the new dawn government. They are so uncovered that even a child can easily spot them. Which of the items listed by the Archibishop Mpundu in his write up are false? Now I know that the Bishop is not biased in his dealings of national affairs. Praise singers or not Praise singers, let’s sit down and reflect on what the Bishop says. Maybe we don’t understand the meaning of being dementia.

  7. It was for a reason he called himself in his earlier years as a Catholic Priest teaching at Lubushi Minor Seminary: BASHI MUKOKOTA NSONO ATI NE MIBANGA MISE. He is not known to brook injustice and speaks his mind. That is what defines him as a Catholic prelate. In case you are doubting go to the archives and find out about his brushes with political leaders from Mwanawasa to Rupiah Banda, Sata. ECL and now HH.

    • A wolf in sheepskin is what the Bishop has turned out to be. Is he really living in Zambia. Because the UPND Alliance govt has refused to heed their useless advice then the democratic space has shrunk? Where is he drawing his comparison from? Everyone and anyone is speaking freely even calling the president demeaning snd derogatory names without being tear gassed by authorities. The govt should inspect his residence; PF may have used him as a safe for hiding their money with the liberty to use some, hence the sudden support to ECL and his cohorts.

  8. How are statutory instruments issued? Simple really. They’re not done secretly. They are done consultatively and a lot of government agencies are given opportunities to comment and also suggest possible changes. The Ministry of Justice supervises the technical preparation through its legal draughtpersons and the Minister of Justice would be aware of plans to issue such statutory instruments. And since the Minister of Justice sits in Cabinet, he briefs the President on what’s going on in his Ministry. Implementation of statutory instruments requires the government to spend public funds. So why should the President not be aware of what’s going on? Please help the retired clergyman.

  9. Archibishop mpundu is a politician and so we treat him as such.! When did his boss His Excellency the POPE as call on these Rich Nations to impose sanctions on a sovereign country??

  10. Archibishop mpundu is a politician and so we treat him as such.! When did his boss His Excellency the POPE ever call on these Rich Nations to impose sanctions on a sovereign country?? In as far as I’m concerned, the Northern Region has an overwhelming number of Ministers even more than Southerners, Westerners and Lundas, Luvales and Kaondes. Bo Mpund is the one who wants to promote REGIONALISM AND TRIBALISM IN ZAMBIA.

  11. Archibishop mpundu is a politician and so we treat him as such.! When did his boss His Excellency the POPE ever call on these Rich Nations to impose sanctions on a sovereign country?? In as far as I’m concerned, the Northern Region has an overwhelming number of Ministers even more than Southerners, Westerners and Lundas, Luvales and Kaondes. Bo Mpundu is the one who wants to promote REGIONALISM AND TRIBALISM IN ZAMBIA.

  12. I have read and re-read Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu’s point number 4. I honestly cannot believe it that it has been issued by him. The Chief Justice of Zambia does not issue statutory instruments without consulting other arms of government such as the Law Development Commission, fellow judicial officers and the Ministry of Justice. Statutory instruments are laws made by government agencies without passing through Parliament so long there’s an enabling Act of Parliament that has delegated the authority to issue them. Because of that many people would be aware of the preparation of the statutory instruments before they’re even issued in the Government Gazette. It’s really a pity that Bishop Mpundu doesn’t seem to know that.

  13. The problem with praise singers, they have chicken heads. They can’t see the difference between PF and UPMD. New Dawn is even worse in terms introducing criminal statutes to keep them afloat.

    • Musonda, are you suggesting that the process of law-making should be a secret, as Bishop Mpundu seems to be saying?

  14. This is a good example why the West does not respect Africans!
    Isn’t Africa supposed to find solutions from within?
    Even our so called Elders are not showing wisdom by being the first to take family matters onto the streets!
    What Mpundu has done is not different from what an irresponsible spouse does, taking bedroom matters to the public ear!
    Instead of OCIDA being a stabilizing force, it’s become a source of instability!
    At a time we were hoping OCIDA would fill up the vacuum left by KK, RB and ECL, awe sure, we are back to Zero! No stabilizing figure heads!
    It’s strange how you can scream Dictatorship while expressing yourself freely!
    And who said America is the best example on Democracy?
    The senile Bishop is not aging well!
    If he still has a family, let them intervene before it is too late!

  15. I can now confirm that Mpundu is rmentally sick. Who will listen to him anyway. This Man isn’t even a Christian ! His heart is full of hatred for HH and UPND. He’s evil. Useless Old man.

  16. The man has only a few days to live on earth, so he want to make sure that he disturbalise things in order for our country not to move forward, what a useless bishop instead of blessing same sex marriage as his professional he is busy hallucinating, idiot stop the nonsense

  17. Sanctions bite very badly, they should be the last thing to think or talk about. The degree of suffering especially to women and children is unimaginable . Even if sanctions are applied and financial aid cut, the Archbishop won’t feel anything, he is one of those people who get free food and accommodation. But we should always remember that when we get free things, someone or some people are paying for us. PF harassed, arrested and killed a lot of people but the same people never called for sanctions, why this time when arbitrary arrests and killings are longer there.

  18. Totally agreed. They have forgotten why we elected them. I truly hope they get restricted from foreign travel, and their assets abroad frozen. Why do they even have millions hidden away in foreign accounts when they have all resided in Zambia all their lives?

    The praise singers will call me a tribalist for saying the above.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  19. UPND and it’s praise-singers are ingrates. I cannot believe that they can so quickly forget the role that retired Archbishop Mpundu and OCiDA played in helping to mobilize resources and support for the UPND to be accepted in Northeastern Zambia. Archbishop Mpundu and OCiDA pleaded with influential persons in Northeastern Zambia to give chance to HH and UPND to form government in the firm belief they would do things differently from the PF. But as OCiDA members are acknowledging today, they did not know UPND and HH too well. They have been so disappointed that the feel betrayed by the party in government over the manner they are running the affairs of the country. For those disparaging Archbishop Mpundu what you do not know is that without the critical role he took in OCiDA through his prophetic voice of even speaking for HH when he was incarcerated, UPND would probably not have been in power today. Muletasha mwe bana bandoshi mwe!

  20. Some of you people who UPND cadres and praise singers, you are the ones dementing as three years ago this is the same Archbishop who spoke against the ills of PF and the injustice and oppression that HH endured. He was insulted, mocked, threatened to be beaten and killed. Nkandu Luo even said very bad words against Archbishop Mpundu. In opposition he was the darling of UPND. I personally never thought HH will to this point of suffocating the democratic tenets of democracy and become a dictator in a shortest period of time in the history of Zambia. Is this what he wants to be remembered for. 2026 kuya bebele. Tired mediocre governance

  21. This bishop should be calling on God to put sunctions on Satan and his minows.
    This type of Churching by this Bishop is what stops me from attending church and seek God without his help.
    Shame on you Bishop as you are just like the Pope who now wants us to recognize a Sin God so much condems

  22. This old man is very sick in the head. It’s about time he retires because he has outlived his usefulness. How can normal person call for sanctions for the current leadership of the country that is doing possible to protect Zambia citizens from violence and death from political cadres when he failed to call for sanctions for the murderous pf leadership that killed many citizens through political violence, gassing and police shooting?. If it was during the pf by now cadres would have been unleashed on him. He is enjoying the right to utter all manner of stupidity against govt without intimidation from any political cadres because the current leadership has enabled such democratic environment. Today anyone can insult and ridicule govt leaders freely. Compare that with the pf time when cadres could storm radio stations with guns to attack anyone that spoke against govt. Can we all be sincere and honest with ourselves. This is the problem with freedom the upnd has brought idiots can now do anything they please

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