🗣️“When I spoke to the Club’s president Mr Nguzu, he told me he wants to renew my contract, and I said I’m happy and would love to continue”
“He said he will talk to my manager and when my manager told me he’s received my clearance, I was shocked because I’m injured, it\s not because I’m bad and I thought how am I going to find another team while I’m injured. In my mind I knew the President said he was going to renew my contract, which is okay, he’s the owner but my concern is me, I’m injured.
“I’m just appealing to them to help me get back on my feet until I get back on to my feet, I have kids, family and people who depend on me, it’s going to be difficult for me and those people, I won’t have money to help them and their needs.”
“Since I came back from Zambia, I remember when I communicated with our physio that side, he was like no, you are in Zambia, you have to do it by yourself. And I was like how? I got injured on duty that side and Majoro left there from Durban and got injured in Joburg but how come to me you’re saying I have to do it by myself,”
“Then I told my agent and I think he sent them a letter but he hasn’t explained to me the response he gave me. But now it’s like the struggles have started already, I’ve been paying with my own money to do physio this side [in Zambia].”