Ba UPND we need Dora Siliya to be our MP in Petauke- UPND Official Hon Matomola Likwanya


UPND Official Hon Matomola Likwanya wrote:
Here is my opinion
Ba UPND we need this one to be our MP in Petauke

We need people like these who have knowledge of state craft. She’s been in the MMD and PF and she brings forth vast experience and she can help out parliamentarians on matters of governance and policy.

You don’t chase all the old people in the village. You need those who still have institutional memory around.


  1. Stop this madness! Siliya is a finished product. What’s wrong when people become politicians. If you bring Siliya I will start assisting the opposition. If this is true, then all of you guys are big jokes. You should also leave Lungu alone. Uku substantial!

  2. Paid gun matomola limwanya , please we have got people on the ground who suffered for that party.Dora siliti decided to work with PF criminals she had to disappoint upnd while levy Ngoma decided to remain in upnd party.

  3. Honourable Lifwanya, What do smoke? Was Siliya really your role model? If so please quit politics and find something else to do. You’re just a time waster. Maybe the grass roots need to organise so that he doesn’t return to parliament in 2026. This is the biggest joke.

  4. Matomola Likwanya do you live in Petuake? No. So what right do you have to impose people on the people of Petauke?
    Kamuli senda noma lozi, no one tells you who place as candidates in your province. Let the Party structure say who will deliver for them and who will best serve them.
    Have you forgotten how PF imposed Jay Jay on Petuake and is now embarassing them

  5. What is with this dishonourable linyama? The likes of Ms. Dora Siliya should never come anywhere near UPND. If you have no suitable candidates (which I doubt), then just keep quiet. There are people who have been loyal to UPND and deserve a shot at the parliamentary seat.

    We are tired of “ba muselela kwa kaba” brand of politicians, totally without principles, whose god is their stomach. If you are not careful, UPND will be overwhelmed by PF “defectors”, just as PF was inundated by MMD defectors. Keep UPND free of toxic politicians.

  6. Beware, one day a Political Party in Zambia will recruit Satan into its Party. He also has vast experience of knowledge and state craft

  7. This Matomola guy has just been paid by Dora to prop her name so that she can test the waters and throw her name into the gauntlet if she sees a favorable response. Otherwise nobody wants Dora who is PF over the loyal and hardworking UPND loyalists. Furthermore nobody wants to recycled politicians over and over again without giving chance to others.

  8. Nonsense! We need…we need…are the people of Petauke?

    Make a better Petauke people’s choice.

    Ask them!
    They rejected her what has changed to day?

    Ba UPND listen.

  9. Put her in room with HH7 and look the door for 2 hours, the whole party will sing the same chorus with Matomola. Only problem is Matomola went in the room first and not his seniors.


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