Beijing commands Hong Kong consulates to provide information about local staff


Beijing has asked foreign consulates in Hong Kong to give them information about the local employees they have hired.

According to local news, the Foreign Ministry in China’s city has requested that the data be handed in by 18 October.

These rules affect all the people who work for foreign embassies in the city, whether they live there permanently or temporarily.

The change would make sure that the laws in Hong Kong are the same as those in the rest of the country.

Hong Kong is a place in China that has some independence since it stopped being ruled by Britain in 1997.

However, after a series of large protests in 2019, the Chinese government gained more power over the city by implementing a very strict law that made it illegal to express opinions against them.

The law makes it illegal to work together with foreign governments.

The rule to get vaccinated was already there for Chinese employees of foreign embassies and consulates in mainland China. But it is believed that this is the first time this rule is being applied in Hong Kong.

The Chinese authorities need certain information from the staff, such as their job titles, where they live, and their identity card numbers.

According to the local media, Consulates have been told to provide personal information of new employees within 15 days of their start date.

The letter said that the collected data could be given to other authorities to help them manage the local staff.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry’s office in Hong Kong has not clearly stated why they have made these requirements.


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