By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Blaming the PF, a Lame and tired Excuse
When we criticise them on the IMF and the pain it has brought on our people, they say PF started the program.
When we criticise them on export of maize and power, they say PF started the program.
When we criticised the purchase of ZAMBEEF Chiawa Estate, they said PF bought the ZamPalm farm in Mpika from Zambeef.
Now they have sold Society Business Park and have bought Saturnia Regna’s building in Rhodespark, they say the PF approved it…
Since when were they oblidged to follow what PF did or approved?
A wrong is a wrong whether done by the UPND or PF.
President Hakainde Hichilema must declare his assets, his liabilities and business interests and make them public. He has made details of his salary public. Vuto ilipati?
Declaration of assets and making the details public, is key to fighting corruption, fight conflict of interests and promote transparency in the management of public resources and the protection of the Treasury from looting.

These guys in government are mad people. Pure conmen who mean nothing to Zambians.
These guys in government are mad people. Pure conmen who mean nothing to Zambians.
It will never be a lame and tired excuse as long as you keep blaming UPND over problems that are as a result of the same corrupt activities by PF, UPND will keep reminding you (ba PF) that you are the cause so keep quiet as they do the fixings.
The concern is ba PF talk like they were angels, this the more reason why UPND retaliates with reminders.
It will never be a lame and tired excuse as long as you keep blaming UPND over problems that are as a result of the same corrupt activities by PF, UPND will keep reminding you (ba PF) that you are the cause so keep quiet as they do the fixings.
The concern is ba PF talk like they were angels, this the more reason why UPND retaliates with reminders.
It’s very important to blame PF because they bought us this missery and wounds that are very difficult to heal and anyone who in his normal being tries to down play this and to erase it! Such a person can just be called a son of the devil – a witchcraft so no one should ever say don’t blame the PF because such a person if there’s a any is a devi.
1. Many people whom PF killed can not just be forgotten by their relatives just like that especially when you see their children living without a mother or father and now being called orphans and you Emmanuel Mwamba can say without remorse start advocating to cover up sins by saying don’t Condemn PF? That is betrayal at its highest level to the grieved families.
2. The students who were in the universities and nearly completing their programs and is killed after their parents spending many resources on them, in caring for the child from the zero age, taking and paying for their schools and now PF just tear gassed them and the child is killed and no more and someone says forget and to stop condemning or blaming PF? Then such a person should be mad.
3. The people whom PF killed, those who were traumatized by PF manufactured and gassing that you spearheaded and you say people should not blame PF then you must be very abnormal an emisery of Lucifer.
4. The people who suffered and some are still in prisons just because of belonging to other parties and you foolishly say don’t blame PF? then you must be mad. Talk of even those who are still living with bullets shot on them in their bodies by PF cadres and PF junkie POLICE. You think these will just have that pain on them without blaming those who did that to them? NO,NO! babaaa. It pains and is still paining
5. Divisions that PF created in this Country based on tribal lines segregation and having names from hated regions and you start bicking to say don’t blame PF then you must be playing with fire – playing on the minds of furious people is inviting trouble.
6. Creating a mountain, unmanageable debt that you can’t even sustain in terms of paying back and mostly for sidelining certain regions and stealing is sin and it takes time to forget and forgive. Especially when a person saying so is the same aggressor or a sorcerer who kills people coming to say don’t blame PF? that is being foolish. It doesn’t work like that. Especially when these killer’s, thieves continue making noise pretending to be righteous when in fact they have blood on their or your hands, keeping properties and monies that were stolen from government is very evil and bad. Very difficult to forget. It’s very impossible.
So even an English composition assignment or question on school always starts with an introduction, then main body and then conclusion. You can’t just forget the introduction then rush to conclusions no it has to be done in order otherwise done orderly. So we have to continue blaming PF for the damage they enacted while in government and then continue working to control it to have a well serviced product.
So Emmanuel Mwamba, Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Steven Kapyongo, Mutototo Kafwaya, Ronald Chitotela the fools noise makers have to be blamed and condemned always. They messed up the economy and many other things in this country and are not by far the right people to talk or advise Zambians not to blame them or just forget about the ugly past. NO,NO,NO AIKONA MAN. UPND New Dawn Government should continue blaming and reminding them. That is part of their legacy
Go to Rwanda they still remember the 1994 genocide and they picked it from there to start developing their Country and they still remember those ugly seens but if anyone who was part of those involved in those killings could come on the seen and start advising people of Rwanda not to blame them, I don’t know how they will treat such a person the case of PF and Emmanuel Mwamba.
It’s very important to blame PF because they bought us this missery and wounds that are very difficult to heal and anyone who in his normal being tries to down play this and to erase it! Such a person can just be called a son of the devil – a witchcraft so no one should ever say don’t blame the PF because such a person if there’s a any is a devi.
1. Many people whom PF killed can not just be forgotten by their relatives just like that especially when you see their children living without a mother or father and now being called orphans and you Emmanuel Mwamba can say without remorse start advocating to cover up sins by saying don’t Condemn PF? That is betrayal at its highest level to the grieved families.
2. The students who were in the universities and nearly completing their programs and is killed after their parents spending many resources on them, in caring for the child from the zero age, taking and paying for their schools and now PF just tear gassed them and the child is killed and no more and someone says forget and to stop condemning or blaming PF? Then such a person should be mad.
3. The people whom PF killed, those who were traumatized by PF manufactured and gassing that you spearheaded and you say people should not blame PF then you must be very abnormal an emisery of Lucifer.
4. The people who suffered and some are still in prisons just because of belonging to other parties and you foolishly say don’t blame PF? then you must be mad. Talk of even those who are still living with bullets shot on them in their bodies by PF cadres and PF junkie POLICE. You think these will just have that pain on them without blaming those who did that to them? NO,NO! babaaa. It pains and is still paining
5. Divisions that PF created in this Country based on tribal lines segregation and having names from hated regions and you start bicking to say don’t blame PF then you must be playing with fire – playing on the minds of furious people is inviting trouble.
6. Creating a mountain, unmanageable debt that you can’t even sustain in terms of paying back and mostly for sidelining certain regions and stealing is sin and it takes time to forget and forgive. Especially when a person saying so is the same aggressor or a sorcerer who kills people coming to say don’t blame PF? that is being foolish. It doesn’t work like that. Especially when these killer’s, thieves continue making noise pretending to be righteous when in fact they have blood on their or your hands, keeping properties and monies that were stolen from government is very evil and bad. Very difficult to forget. It’s very impossible.
So even an English composition assignment or question on school always starts with an introduction, then main body and then conclusion. You can’t just forget the introduction then rush to conclusions no it has to be done in order otherwise done orderly. So we have to continue blaming PF for the damage they enacted while in government and then continue working to control it to have a well serviced product.
So Emmanuel Mwamba, Edgar Chagwa Lungu, Steven Kapyongo, Mutototo Kafwaya, Ronald Chitotela the fools noise makers have to be blamed and condemned always. They messed up the economy and many other things in this country and are not by far the right people to talk or advise Zambians not to blame them or just forget about the ugly past. NO,NO,NO AIKONA MAN. UPND New Dawn Government should continue blaming and reminding them. That is part of their legacy
Go to Rwanda they still remember the 1994 genocide and they picked it from there to start developing their Country and they still remember those ugly seens but if anyone who was part of those involved in those killings could come on the seen and start advising people of Rwanda not to blame them, I don’t know how they will treat such a person the case of PF and Emmanuel Mwamba.
There are so many bitter people from the past government. It is sickening to read their bitter write ups. Ofcourse PF is to blame for our present sufferings. The days of leisure living and being treated like royalty are over for you so no matter how bitter and negative you you had your time.
There are so many bitter people from the past government. It is sickening to read their bitter write ups. Ofcourse PF is to blame for our present sufferings. The days of leisure living and being treated like royalty are over for you so no matter how bitter and negative you you had your time.
Mr. Mwamba ensoni ebuntu….apologies to Zambians not HH or UPND its Zambians you owe and apology to begin with. You and PF as leaders made poor choices.
We will hold HH and UPND accountable when the time comes. However, they HH et al are only explaining why its taking long to deliver. To help us appreciate their point of view. That in its self should not be an excuse for failing to address the woes of Zambians. What I can tell, is they are trying. Given the myriad of issues that they promised and the constraints that they face.
What I personally ask of you. Is be objective, be balanced and dont seek to deflect because the UPND is telling us what you failed to tell us or address. If you have a rational basis for why as PF explain what led to deal with a particular issue in a particular manner.
From the former BoardChair Nama, and Noel Nkhoma that the sale of Society House to NAPSA was above board. You also question the who the new owners of the aquired building at Ulida park. Building Society are now on record. You further question who the owners of Afrlife are. Your late father in law was GM of the life division of ZSIC. As a matter of interest you should have taken an interest as to what he did for a living. From there taken an interest why ZSIC was split two companies.
Why the two divisions? Why is the Assurance and Pension business is different from the General Insurance? How the business makes its money. In all you would have understood the connection between sartuna and Afrilife.
Insurance and Pensions Authority headed by a Mrs Ntini, sure would have helped explain any terms and roles that would not have been clear. There is nothing wrong with asking when you dont know.
Yes, you now wonder how I know this much. Cause when someone doesnt give me an appropriate answer I ask and search for answers. I like to learn. As a Journalist whose role is to report, I find it shocking when you make dogmatic statements and with logical fallacies.
Am sure you still want to dwell on the “Conflict of interest” aspect of this transaction. Understand the relationship between Saturnia Regna Pension Fund and its subsidaries and Afrilife and its subsidaries. Just as Madison evolved from just Madison Insurance to the many subsidaries and the holding company.
The last point is how people enlightened have protected themselves from the investments. In the case of Rupian Banda we saw the Mpundu Trust, Chiluba had a similar trust. The issue came up in the last US elections where Trump was critised as why he did not devolve himself from his business leaving his son in charge but not legally separating himself, yet Obama and previous Presidents placed their investments and businesses in Blind Trusts. An issue that is at the bottom of these series of articles.
All the attempts by Sean Tembo and others to know what HH owns. Today, his own advisor tells us that he has since September of a given year donated his salary and allowances.
The level of obsession over this man’s wealth is shocking when the same can not be said of ECL but its exponential growth. Yet both have declared to ECZ.
Amend the law. Simple. The amount of effort you spend on this would be far less that the untold truths and innuendo that you come up with.
Mr. Mwamba ensoni ebuntu….apologies to Zambians not HH or UPND its Zambians you owe and apology to begin with. You and PF as leaders made poor choices.
We will hold HH and UPND accountable when the time comes. However, they HH et al are only explaining why its taking long to deliver. To help us appreciate their point of view. That in its self should not be an excuse for failing to address the woes of Zambians. What I can tell, is they are trying. Given the myriad of issues that they promised and the constraints that they face.
What I personally ask of you. Is be objective, be balanced and dont seek to deflect because the UPND is telling us what you failed to tell us or address. If you have a rational basis for why as PF explain what led to deal with a particular issue in a particular manner.
From the former BoardChair Nama, and Noel Nkhoma that the sale of Society House to NAPSA was above board. You also question the who the new owners of the aquired building at Ulida park. Building Society are now on record. You further question who the owners of Afrlife are. Your late father in law was GM of the life division of ZSIC. As a matter of interest you should have taken an interest as to what he did for a living. From there taken an interest why ZSIC was split two companies.
Why the two divisions? Why is the Assurance and Pension business is different from the General Insurance? How the business makes its money. In all you would have understood the connection between sartuna and Afrilife.
Insurance and Pensions Authority headed by a Mrs Ntini, sure would have helped explain any terms and roles that would not have been clear. There is nothing wrong with asking when you dont know.
Yes, you now wonder how I know this much. Cause when someone doesnt give me an appropriate answer I ask and search for answers. I like to learn. As a Journalist whose role is to report, I find it shocking when you make dogmatic statements and with logical fallacies.
Am sure you still want to dwell on the “Conflict of interest” aspect of this transaction. Understand the relationship between Saturnia Regna Pension Fund and its subsidaries and Afrilife and its subsidaries. Just as Madison evolved from just Madison Insurance to the many subsidaries and the holding company.
The last point is how people enlightened have protected themselves from the investments. In the case of Rupian Banda we saw the Mpundu Trust, Chiluba had a similar trust. The issue came up in the last US elections where Trump was critised as why he did not devolve himself from his business leaving his son in charge but not legally separating himself, yet Obama and previous Presidents placed their investments and businesses in Blind Trusts. An issue that is at the bottom of these series of articles.
All the attempts by Sean Tembo and others to know what HH owns. Today, his own advisor tells us that he has since September of a given year donated his salary and allowances.
The level of obsession over this man’s wealth is shocking when the same can not be said of ECL but its exponential growth. Yet both have declared to ECZ.
Amend the law. Simple. The amount of effort you spend on this would be far less that the untold truths and innuendo that you come up with.
PF is the true representation of hypocrisy, lies and lawlessness
PF was a disaster for Zambia and its misrule will take at least rwenty years to correct. They corrupted everything, including the once incorruptible Catholic Church. Their corruption was pervasive reaching every area of our lives – moral, spiritual, political, religious, economic, nothing was spared.
PF is the true representation of hypocrisy, lies and lawlessness
PF was a disaster for Zambia and its misrule will take at least rwenty years to correct. They corrupted everything, including the once incorruptible Catholic Church. Their corruption was pervasive reaching every area of our lives – moral, spiritual, political, religious, economic, nothing was spared.
You jumped on the case of the sale of Society House by ” UPND”. When UPND reacts , and clarifies that it was done by PF , then it becomes a “blame game”.
Strange thinking!
You jumped on the case of the sale of Society House by ” UPND”. When UPND reacts , and clarifies that it was done by PF , then it becomes a “blame game”.
Strange thinking!