The Constitutional Court has clarified that former president, Edgar Lungu was eligible to contest the 2021 election because of the wrong judgements which were passed into law and were binding.
The argument that the Constitutional Court lacks power to deviate from its previous decision, is flawed – Judge Mudford Mwandenga
No Court can overturn the decision of the ConCourt in a Constitutional matter, only the Constitutional Court itself can overturn its previous decision in circumstances where it feels the previous decision was wrong-judge Mudford Mwandenga
The Court ruled that the term Mr Edgar Lungu inherited from late President Michael Sata was a full term and he was twice elected and served twice.
Well done Hakainde for dividing the country.
Our beloved KK warned us about your slimy ways. We never listened.
I am sure this is not the end of this matter.
It will not end well for you.
You’re a dog! What’s wrong with you? There’s free education go to school so that you can understand the judgement which was so clear except to Defunct TuPF criminals like you
Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31
You people are a problem. You were given a chance a govern, but you have fuck3d it all up. Things will not end well for you people.
We voted for rubbish to remove PF in 2021.
In 2026, we will vote out this rubbish. Even for a dog, we shall vote.
Vote against tribalism and corruption in 2026.
Mr you will just have BP for nothing.
Lungu no more dead and buried.
Forward HH7 paka 20 sate 1
You fool how does hh comes in this… this is actually true justice only foolish people like you see it the other way
Indigo just wait tamulapwa ukuinyelawila, it’s pwe pwe pwe pwe for you pfidiots, HH7 mpaka 2031!!!!!
Are you threatening the President? Why do you people ask for problems when the matter is so simple and straight forward. I.T, whatever your problem is, you are an individual who hates HH for whatever reason, so why should you involve other people in your differences as two individuals? How do Zambians come in? How is your hate for HH going to cause this country to divide?
Can you explain what you mean by it will not end well for HH? Can you explain when you say you were given a chance to rule?
Zambia belongs to all tribes and you should know that every tribe in Zambia Deserves a chance at the presidency.
An analysis of all presidents will show you which people are more responsible for the national resources than others.
We are all one, but certainly there are those that have a tendency to dip their fingers into the national treasury.
This political arena must be cleaned up and those with criminal records should never step into the corridors of power.
Use your real names if you know that you debate substance
To the contrary, this judgement is what will unite this country, because it has sorted (kicked) out for us one very divisive element from the political scene. I can only imagine the running tummies in his camp.
You have even forgotten to say “Vote wisely ” come back to reality boy, this is life ka…
You will sh!t blood everyday thieves NO ama handouts. Keep on dreaming Until 2031 its HH forward.Some of us who don`t use tribe to think are VERY happy with HH.All thieves will end up in jail by 2025.The law is working, only thieves and the corrupt are scared
Rest in peace KK.
We really should have listened to you.
Vote wisely in 2026.
Be positive for once you pfidiots, at least your ecl managed to beat KK’s record of the biggest elections loss.
KK had a 30 record of a loss of 667,000 until 2021 when ecl did a kanyumba to make history losing by 1m+ votes. I tell, this record will be hard to beat….
This outcome was known. Swift changing of concourt judges to have majority appointed by someone.
Strangely I did not see God for Lungu in the gallery.
Has he/she foraken him?
Indigo wawa! Lungu was elected twice and sworn in twice!!!! I’m sure you listened to the judges in the manner they articulated all the arguments. Even an grade 7 pupil understands this except for PF .pack your bags and ku Chawama. Gone forever!
The judgement was right as per constitution. To the people opposing it and wanting ECL to have a 3rd term my question is is there no one in the opposition capable to stand for president? Why did we vote ECL out in the first place. In all his so called speaches I have never heard anything that he promises to do apart of what he is going to do to HH. I think people crying out for ECL are people that benefitted from his tyrant weak rul
The constitution is very simple and straightforward.
Only career criminals and twisted and psychotic minds can read a 3rd term when it clearly states 2 terms.
Mwa nyala bafikala. You thought Zambia is yowa toilet where you can crap anywhere??
Next stage is to remove his immunity and charge him with treason.
This is a straight forward issue which is not worth disturbing our peace and tranquility in our country. The arrogance of Mwamba, Nakachinda and Lubinda is now ending up in disaster, these people are known for destroying and not for building, PF has itself to blame for allowing them to mislead Lungu and the party.
The judgement comes as no surprise. The earlier rulings by Constitutional Court were meant to appease Mr. Lungu and even Mr. John Sangwa vehemently opposed the same.
Mr. Lungu has been a symbol of absolute chaos (maximum entropy) throughout his reign, beginning with his “election” as PF president at Mulungushi. There are no figures as to how many votes he got against his opponents because there was no secret vote as per PF constitution.
His reign was marked by confusion and anarchy with cadres taking centre stage and humiliating the general population at will. As if this was not enough, he embarked on reckless borrowing with abandon, lining his nest from the borrowed funds and his family and cronies becoming stinking rich.
Mr. Lungu has been an extremely divisive figure. He cares nothing about the well-being of our country. Mr. Lungu must be watched very closely. He might resort to desparate measures to maintain his relevance.
Finally, justice has been done. This case refused to go because the injustice was too deep.
Nomba alebelela pesa? Alebelelafye kunuma, chapwa.
Correct interpretation of the constitution. I am not happy with the state of the economy and the tribalism but the constitution needs to be respected. Kudos to the constitutional court. Bash PF Lungu’s PF lawlessness
As a calculating criminal and enacting of the new constitution by Lungu was not a mistake, but a calculated move, to end the previous constitution prematurely without having a referendum for people to afirm that is what they wanted. His arm was to restart a new term with the new constitution. Very few people knew what was happening. Had he been Visa President at the time he would have continued and do his own terms. The man is too greedy to see what was coming. At the same time he was not a party leader or any political party. In all this, if he has wisdom, the Zambians are serving him from losing what he stole. Lessons learnt, don’t give any leadership positions to any Lungu faction PF! They have no principles, believe in being given things and have no idea of how to run a party! Bye Bye Lungu’s PF faction. They are too blind to see things coming.