By Brian chisanga….
Do you know the minister am talking about? Its Bowman lusambo of course.This is not a man to put in front at the Battle field,you will lose.Because his mouth has kwashiorkor.He doesn’t think before speaking.
The other day he was accusing HH to be corrupt and B-flow to be his parent. Yesterday again he was comparing our dirty capital city to Los Angeles and Washington DC. Don’t you think he is mocking us?
People of lusaka will attest to my words. What Bowman Lusambo was talking about was pure gibberish.Why was even chosen as a minister in the first place? Because we can’t see positive things he has done.
Its rain season and people are crying.We have shanty compounds, like misis, chibolya and john leing which have no roads and drainages.
He is the man who can lie before parliament and act as if all is well. If he want to join comedy let him do so than mocking Zambians. Its too much of him.
You are mocking us,from there you will take the meal that Zambians bought for you. If tax money contained poison alot of politicians like him would have died a Longtime ago by now.
We are appealing to every Zambian to go and register in numbers to protect our country together with our money.2021 wapya baisa…The future is already red.