Home Business Chinese Apologises To To Former Minister Of Foreign Affairs Stanley Kakubo

Chinese Apologises To To Former Minister Of Foreign Affairs Stanley Kakubo

Stanley Kakubo
Stanley Kakubo

Chinese apologises to Kakubo

LIAN An Mining Limited, a Chinese company, has apologised to former minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation, Stanley Kakubo, after a business deal soured, ultimately leading to Kakubo’s resignation.

Kakubo, who owns Hounslow Investments Zambia Limited, resigned from his ministerial post on December 26 last year owing to corruption allegations levelled against him regarding a the business transaction.

Furthermore, a video circulated online late last year with a man believed to be Kakubo and others counting bundles of money sparking debates online.

However, it was revealed that the money was paid to Hounslow Investments Zambia Limited as consideration for a joint venture agreement that the firm entered into with Lian An Mining Limited, a Chinese-owned business.

“The transaction was purely above board and the subject matter of the agreement was capital contribution for a mining operation,” Lian An Mining Limited managing director Zhang Lianan said in a statement availed to Daily Mail.

“Let it be advised that no bribe was paid to anyone as the reports in online media suggested. All dealings between Hounslow Investment (Z) Limited and Lian An Mining Company limited were purely of a commercial nature.

“I wish to sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and embarrassment that the events surrounding this transaction may have caused to Hon. Stanley Kasongo Kakubo and to Hounslow Investment (Z) Limited.”

Zhang remembered that a disagreement arose between the two parties regarding the joint venture’s execution.

This led to legal action in both the Ndola High Court and the Lusaka High Court.

However, he mentioned that both disputes were peacefully resolved, and neither Hounslow Investment (Z) Limited nor Lian An Mining Company Limited have any claims against each other.

“I wish to reiterate that there is no outstanding disputed issue with the said Hounslow Investment (Z) Limited, nor any claim for any monies whatsoever,” said Zhang.



  1. Rubbish. Above board? Kakubo has grounds for a suit.
    Its sad that the Chinese go around acting maliciously and slander Zambians as crooks yet dont do their part to understand the language or the envrionment that they operate under.
    Kakubo should also learn from this. First it was the calender and now this. This is why lawyers are there.
    This whole incident could have been avoided if both parties used a lawyer. And the lawyer that sued Kakubo. Trigger happy I say. For a quick buck rushed to the courts.
    Anyway, Kakubo is not minister material. Tainted goods….

  2. UPND at its lowest ebb. Laundering Kakubo for reappointment. A forme Minister of Foreign Affair and International Relations with a a certificate in Foreign Exchange from which college only God knows . In his wisdom, Foreign Exchange was connected to Foreign Affairs. I shudder if this man will be reappointed, but I will not be surprised.

  3. Kakubo is a cool young gentleman who even in the midst of this issue he allowed the process to smoothly take place by relinguisging his ministerial position.

    If the case went as far as the courts of law and the investigative wings being involved cleared him, he is then free not to be tamed even being re-appointed by the President can be done – it’ okay.
    The issue was between their two limited companies, wherr i asxume he at one side is a shareholder and one of the Director’s and ghd other side the chines beong a shareholder and a Director.

    If the issue has been resloved amicably without any corruption or crookedness involved, then what else are people looking for. The way has been made straight.

    There’s no problem

  4. Unless you are insane and can’t reason will you believe this story. Granted, there was no corruption as no government money was involved.
    However, Kakubo should have done this mine sale in an open manner. He should have signed this agreement and registered the sale shares with the government so that he could pay tax. Why was the deal scribbled on a piece of paper?
    And why did the Chinese sue him in the High Court if there was no disagreement between the two parties?
    It seems to me that someone in the government spoke to the Chinese, either threatened them or paid them off for them to now retract their statements.

  5. Bwana…how will donors percieve this man? 1st Calendar now a business transaction where no taxes were paid. Pacra didnt even know of the chinese? This Mrs Mwanawasa nephew could have gone to his aunt a disbarred lawyer for a side bar insight on how things are done.
    The man may have been forgiven by this equally illerate Chinese man who has no idea on how business should be done, but their only interest is how to make a quick “buck” made in China mentality. And almost got played.
    But back to my point there are still issues of tax avoidance that Kakuko committed. He did not pay ZRA PTT on the shares he sold in the company. Let him pay the full cost plus pentalty and interest.
    This man thought he was above the law and those holding public office should know that in their conduct. They should be above board. And this is not. Very clear criminal intent to defraud the government. Lets also investigate how he got those mining licences.

  6. If Kakubo gets re-appointed, the Corruption Perception Index will take a serious beating!
    Common sense must prevail!

  7. This story doesnot make sense at all. The Chinese gentleman was pretty aggressive in his pursuit of justice and knew exactly what he was doing. Clearly, someone has leaned heavily on him and he probably has an Achilles’ heel.

    Mr. Kakubo fell short of the moral standard required of a minister, especially with this scandal coming after his collecting a calender (and a diary?) from Sinoma in April (2022?). He got away then. He is not getting away this time. This gentleman is a smooth operator.

    I am not buying this story. It doesnot make sense just like the calender story didnot make sense.

  8. If Lungu who lost power wants to come back, what can stop Kakubo who is still an MP to be reappointed? Stop being jealousy, if Kakubo is found innocent he can be reappointed, after all he should not even have resigned., his case was purely a private matter.

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