Yesterday Pictures of Foreign Affairs Minister Stanley Kakubo took social Media by storm more especially the picture were the Minister was putting the Gift bag in the Car. Only people that have dealt with the Chinese people will agree with me that those guys like tuchawa more especially with People in Authority.
I see absolutely nothing wrong for a senior Minister like Kakubo to be received with so much respect, the man had made it known to them that he was going to Visit there plant prior to that day that’s how even the Ambassador was informed by Sinoma. I remember last time we visited Sinoma with then Mayor Hon Miles Sampa, we were handed with all sorts of gifts mainly Calendars, Chinese Tees, spices and Diaries!!
Why should we always assume that there was any Corruption just because of a simple gift bag sure, Chinese people will always give unsolicited gifts more especially to people in Authority because to them it is a sign of true friendship. The Chinese are the warmest people you can ever deal with and unfortunately the Minister was just a product of situation Circumstances. Kakubo is not Corrupt!!
Dear Stanley Kakubo,
You are a Man of Integrity that’s why the President Appointed you to such a senior Position at a young age.. My advise to you is that find people you can trust to Run some personal errands for you so that your Presence is not mistakenly understood. For now don’t let Social Media ruin your Strong Spirit, You are blessed and hardworking Gentleman and personally I stand by you because I understand how the Chinese treat people in Authority!! Don’t Respond to Social Media, you Only have one boss to report and respond to!! And that’s the President of the Republic of Zambia that’s all. Basaku Vute