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Chishala Kateka Schools Zambian Watchdog Regarding The Composition Of The Catholic Bishops That Signed The Pastoral Letter


Chishala Kateka writes:-
So, today I was on Live FM Radio and was responding to the issue raised by the Zambian Watchdog regarding the composition of the Catholic Bishops that signed the Pastoral Letter.

We need to understand the background or history to the composition of churches and their leadership before we invoke misplaced tribal sentiments in the country.

When the various missionaries first came to this country, they entered the country through different Provinces and made their initial base there, reaching out to the populace in those provinces.

You thus find that the Apostolic Church (the ones that sing with those beautiful voices) is more prominent in Western Province, the SDA are more prominent in Southern Province. They even have a University there.

The UCZ are more prominent in Luapula. CMML is more prominent in North Western Province, the Dutch Reformed are more prominent in Eastern Province while the Catholicism is more prominent in Northern, Luapula and Muchinga.

That is not to say that these churches have not spread to other parts of the country – but by and large, that is how Zambia was, from a religion perspective, was shared out.

If the Apostolic Church were to issue a Pastoral letter, we should not be surprised to see a predominantly Western Province slant and so on and so forth for the other churches.

Why are people unnecessarily continuing to fuel the fires of division? Why would people be mischievous and fan the tribal talk.

No my fellow Zambians, do not buy into this nonsense.

We have been one people for the last 59 years. Let us continue to value our peace. Let us not give in to these base sentiments.

PS: I am not Catholic, I am merely a fairly well read and right thinking Zambian that would not want to see these divisive elements gain traction in our country.

Chishala Kateka


  1. But why don’t you use the same logic when you find people from south or western Zambia are in a majority in an organization? You straight away claim tribalism. People should not use double standards when making judgements.
    Personally, I have no problem with composition of any organization even if there are more people from any region as long as it based on competence. All care about are people who are competent and can deliver in the positions they hold, simple.

  2. Don’t say we, just say I should I have listened to KK because not everyone is as tribal as you are.
    And who told you that KK was perfect person that everything he said was to be taken as gospel truth?

  3. 59 years after Independence and intermarriages you have no shame in justifying a composition which is tribal? As Zambians we need to be honest and truthful with each other and stop playing double standards. Are they saying they are no other tribes in the Catholic church? The Bishops have no moral Authority to comment on ethnicity and anything with such a composition, when they have a log in their eyes. Let them concentrate on preaching the 2nd coming of Christ. This explains why the idiot Lupupa was advocating for rigging elections. To root out tribalism we need to have a law that dictates ethnic inclusion of all the tribes not justifying nonsense.

  4. Whether we like it or not, Zambia is screwed – Pardon my French!
    KK did not practice “Tribal Balancing” for Cosmetic reasons!
    It’s a necessary evil when you have too many tribes, 72!
    The politicians and the Clergy should not continue to divide a once united people under KK!
    We must be very sensitive when it comes to ethnic diversity! We must be PRAGMATIC about it and ensure it is fully embraced, be it in churches or political parties!
    Embracing Ethnic diversity is the ONLY CURE for Tribalism!
    Tuchinje bane before we lose our country!
    What is very sad is we don’t have a respected Father figure as a country since we lost RB!
    The one we thought would fit in the schools turned out to be an imposter!
    What we are left with are pretty and self-centered tribal Uncles!
    Cry our beloved Country!
    Where are the remnants of Freedom Fighters?
    Help this country please!

    • Don’t be too pessimistic. Zambia is not about to break into pieces. What you are seeing now is a nation trying to amerge out of various tribes. Chishala Kateka has explained how past events have led to what you’re seeing in the present. For a Christian denomination such as the Salvation Army, I have yet to meet any member who’s not Tonga but I would like to believe that there are some non-Tongas in it now.

  5. Chishala Kateka is a what? Trying to defend the wrong does not help. If I may ask who said Northwesteners will be my doormats? Who has been advocating for Regionalism is not Chishimba fimofimo? The list is long if we all debated on this issue we will discover that our friends when they talk, to them is not tribalism but when others talk they consider it as tribal. One will stay in Solwezi for many years, you speak to her/him either Kaonde or Lunda/Luvale, will just respond by saying ” nshunvwa ifitundu’. This is too strong signol when you look at the line-up of the lordships of Catholic I Zambia.

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