Vice President Inonge Wina says there is no witch hunt regarding the proposed Commission of Inquiry into the Privatization process.

Mrs Wina noted that setting up the Commission of Inquiry into the Privatization process would help expose a lot of issues that were done unjustly, illegally and subjected many Zambians to suffering and poverty.

Speaking during the Vice president’s session in Parliament today, Mrs Wina said there is need to bring the matter of Zambia’s privatization to conclusion once and for all. The Vice president noted that the privatization exercise took place about 30 years ago and there is need for the case to be put to rest.

Mrs Wina was responding to a query on why government has not set up a Commission of Inquiry on gassing as pledged instead of the proposed inquiry on the privatization process.

She explained that government has been unable to set up a commission of inquiry on gassing because the matter is before the courts of law.

Mrs Wina stated that one gasser has been convicted while others suspected to have been behind the gassing incidents are still before the court.

Meanwhile, the Vice president has urged Zambians to take the voter registration seriously to ensure that they get registered as voters.

“ECZ didn’t just wake up to demand a new voter’s register,” said Mrs Wina.

Ms Wina said several factors have necessitated the compilation of a new voters register in line with the audit of the 2016 general elections as well as electoral observer mission’s views.

Mrs Wina stressed that it is also paramount that deceased voters are removed from the voters register.

And the Vice president has dispelled reports that civil servants in certain areas around the country have abandoned their work and are busy campaigning for Patriotic Front(PF).

Mrs Wina said anyone with evidence pointing to civil servants participating in partisan politics should report to relevant authorities.


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