

As governance and human rights activists, we are appalled and alarmed by the dangerous and inflammatory allegations made by Raphael Nakachinda, as reported I  Diggers news paper of Friday, 23/08/24, claiming that President Hakainde Hichilema’s government has offloaded toxic eagle mealie meal on the market to kill Zambians and reduce the population.

These statements are not only baseless and false but also inciteful, promoting hatred, violence, and genocide. They have the potential to spark unrest, create divisions, and put the nation in danger.

We strongly condemn Nakachinda’s reckless and irresponsible utterances, which demonstrate a blatant disregard for human life and dignity. His statements are a clear violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

We demand that Nakachinda:

1. Immediately retracts his genocidal statements
2. Renders an unconditional apology to President Hichilema, the Zambian people, and the nation as a whole

Failure to comply will prompt us to call for his arrest and prosecution for promoting hate speech, incitement, and genocide. We will not stand idly by while individuals like Nakachinda threaten national security and stability.

We urge all Zambians to reject such divisive and harmful rhetoric, promoting peace, unity, and respect for human rights.

Issued by

Governance and human rights advocate


  1. Nakachinda seems incapable of learning. Taken to court he will start feigning illnesses and calling on human rights. Enough is enough. Some people need to be caged to stop the cheap alarming statements of the opposition because they have nothing sensible to say.

  2. Nakachinda seems incapable of learning. Taken to court he will start feigning illnesses and calling on human rights. Enough is enough. Some people need to be caged to stop the cheap alarming statements of the opposition because they have nothing sensible to say.

  3. Gunyu masaka has a canine’s unlearning mind. He has forgotten what he had to undergo just a few months ago. Even a train was not able to teach him lessons. Let him be. I pity the nurse who married such a low life.

  4. Gunyu masaka has a canine’s unlearning mind. He has forgotten what he had to undergo just a few months ago. Even a train was not able to teach him lessons. Let him be. I pity the nurse who married such a low life.

  5. My dear, this Nakachinda guy is just exhibiting is dullness publicly. Experts have already explained and clarified this issue. Aflatoxin is nothing added to any food but it’s something which occurs when something is kept in a dump place. It can occur to any food commodity like flour, mealie meal, rice, bread, soya beans, beans, maize, cassava and many more. it can also occur on drugs. If we subject all these foods to tests, we can find low or high levels of Aflatoxin in some or most of them. Worse still, it’s possible that even in our own, depends on we keep our foods, some of them develop Aflatoxin. So there is nothing is nothing to alarm people with here, these things occur on daily basis. I am sure many us see and read the labels which they on drug containers where they write; keep in a cool and dry place, then inside the tins, they always put something there to absorb the moisture so that the drug remains dry and Keeps its potency. So, scientifically, Aflatoxin can occur on anything with some levels of moisture and is kept in a dump and poorly ventilated place. It has nothing to do with HH or ND government, cheap politics will not take us anywhere.

  6. My dear, this Nakachinda guy is just exhibiting is dullness publicly. Experts have already explained and clarified this issue. Aflatoxin is nothing added to any food but it’s something which occurs when something is kept in a dump place. It can occur to any food commodity like flour, mealie meal, rice, bread, soya beans, beans, maize, cassava and many more. it can also occur on drugs. If we subject all these foods to tests, we can find low or high levels of Aflatoxin in some or most of them. Worse still, it’s possible that even in our own, depends on we keep our foods, some of them develop Aflatoxin. So there is nothing is nothing to alarm people with here, these things occur on daily basis. I am sure many us see and read the labels which they on drug containers where they write; keep in a cool and dry place, then inside the tins, they always put something there to absorb the moisture so that the drug remains dry and Keeps its potency. So, scientifically, Aflatoxin can occur on anything with some levels of moisture and is kept in a dump and poorly ventilated place. It has nothing to do with HH or ND government, cheap politics will not take us anywhere.

  7. Some of these statements should be
    analysed by law enforcement personnel. You can not just wake up and start confusing people by ushering statements that you that you cannot prove when asked

  8. Some of these statements should be
    analysed by law enforcement personnel. You can not just wake up and start confusing people by ushering statements that you that you cannot prove when asked

  9. I can just imagine if this contaminated mealie meal had found itself on the Zambian market during Edgar Lungu’s government..or if Lungu had offloaded GMO Maize meant for pigs for human consumption…or if containers of medicine went missing, kept in unsafe environment for 8 months and again distributed in our hospitals without ascertaining the efficacy.
    Boy or boy, hell could have broken loose from Tribal Zealots.. What Nakachinda said is nothing compared to the rabid reaction which could have resulted if what is happening in Zambia was done under Lungu’s watch. All dogs could have been barking..

    If what Hakainde is doing in Zambia was done in some advanced democracies where leaders are accounted to the people, the man could have been in the dock by this time.
    What Nakachinda said is not hate speech…
    Hakainde has messed up…No matter whether he tries to hide behind Kawana, Tribal Zealots and Praise Thugs, or the so called human rights activists, Zambians know who is in charge of the nonsense happening in the country.

  10. I can just imagine if this contaminated mealie meal had found itself on the Zambian market during Edgar Lungu’s government..or if Lungu had offloaded GMO Maize meant for pigs for human consumption…or if containers of medicine went missing, kept in unsafe environment for 8 months and again distributed in our hospitals without ascertaining the efficacy.
    Boy or boy, hell could have broken loose from Tribal Zealots.. What Nakachinda said is nothing compared to the rabid reaction which could have resulted if what is happening in Zambia was done under Lungu’s watch. All dogs could have been barking..

    If what Hakainde is doing in Zambia was done in some advanced democracies where leaders are accounted to the people, the man could have been in the dock by this time.
    What Nakachinda said is not hate speech…
    Hakainde has messed up…No matter whether he tries to hide behind Kawana, Tribal Zealots and Praise Thugs, or the so called human rights activists, Zambians know who is in charge of the nonsense happening in the country.

  11. Hallucinating Hypocrite, you appear not to be helpful to this nation for you are full of divisiveness. You don’t mean well and your selfish interest will take you nowhere. Things may at one of these fine days turn against you. Be analytical.

  12. Hallucinating Hypocrite, you appear not to be helpful to this nation for you are full of divisiveness. You don’t mean well and your selfish interest will take you nowhere. Things may at one of these fine days turn against you. Be analytical.


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