Copper Queens Head Coach Bruce Mwape has been named 6th Best Women Head Coach in the World


Copper Queens Head Coach Bruce Mwape has been named 6th Best Women Head Coach in the World by the International Federation of Football History and Stastics (IFFHS)

1. Emma Hayes – USA Women National Team Coach
2. Montse Tome – Spain Women National Team Coach

3. Sarina Wiegman – England Women National Team Coach
4. Arthur Elias – England Women National Team Coach

5. Horst Hrubesch – Germany Women National Team Coach
6. Bruce Mwape – Zambia Women National Team Coach

Bruce Mwape is the only African in the Top 10 Rankings
He received 15points from the voting panel comprised 81 experts and selected Editorial Officers from all Continents.


  1. Please stop writing articles that attempt to put lipstick on a pig. Lipstick will not make a pig pretty. Its still a pig.
    Bruce Mwape with all his creditials is still a woman abuser. He abused players by getting sexual favours by virtue of his position
    That is still abuse of Office. Peadophiles are jailed for at least 25 years, Public officials got to prison when they abuse their offices, why are we seeking to rewrite the narrative about this criminal? What does that say about our mothers and daughters? They are just comodities to be used like a piece of tissue?
    The author and editors of Zambian observer should sometimes rethink the articles they publish. This one is honestly in bad taste and a disrespect to give acolades to such a misfit.

  2. That doesnt matter. He is still a sexual abuser and women should push to strengthen laws to prosecute bosses and leaders when they sexually abuse subordinates.
    The man needs to be caged if he can not control himself.
    If Pedophilies can be caged for 25years why glorify this man? Zambians need to draw the line. No is no….same with criminality.
    Here is Lungu thinking that grovelling to America will change things. His daughter needs to deported to answer for the crimes she committed. No double standards. He should not be allowed run to America if he has criminal issues that may come up.
    Fifa or whoever came up with this list. This man is tainted goods. A dent to Zambian men to be exposed at international tournament that we have allowed our Copper queens to be exposed to a pervert.


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