Country Men and Women,  these are unusual, difficult times and require unusual, new approaches- Dr Fred M’membe


Country Men and Women,  these are unusual, difficult times and require unusual, new approaches.

Our country is in a crisis. But a crisis is not only supposed to mean a situation in which things get worse and worse. It means a crossroads, a time for decisions – in this case, about which way we want our society, our politics, and our economy to go. This is where progressives, revolutionaries, and true democrats, in all their diversities and complexities, could have a role to play in constructing a future.

We need to seek new ideas and formulas and admit that we are able to organise our lives and destinies in a more rational and humane manner.

New ideas to prepare the people for the future are needed. We must start building awareness. A new and complex era as this one requires principles more than ever. It requires a lot more awareness, and that awareness will be built by adding together the awareness of what is happening and the awareness of what is going to happen.

It has to be built by adding together more than just one revolutionary thought and the best ethical and humane ideas of more than one religion, of all authentic religions, the sum total of the preaching of many political thinkers, of many schools and of many religions.

Dr Fred M’membe
President of Socialist Party


  1. Which vegetables has this chap been smoking?

    Please present to us whatever “revolutionary” ideas you encountered in the smoke instead of bleating about the need for these ideas. Oh, let me guess. The ideas are imaginary. Or academic. And rhetorical. They look nice on paper, but can not survive 2 seconds of harsh reality.

    Keep smoking Uncle Fred.

  2. Falsehoods,fake narratives, misinformation, misleading and mob psychology can not win you elections Fred, revolution of what, you must just realize that our biggest challenge is drought and it is what we must focus on.How do we alleviate the sufferings of the people and their live stocks as well for the wild life? You are just thinking of being a selfish president who doesn’t want to talk of mitigations, irrigation or water harvesting.The energy generation that can be more and better than solar supply of energy.You must know that even if you employ the best thinker of all thinkers, with drought the challenge will still be there where food production is concerned.The people of Zambia know that too well.Thinking of changing leadership is not priority,even a grade three knows that.The government of UPND is working around the clock to ensure that no one is dying out of hunger by offering a number of initiatives to empower the people.You want to suggest abnormal thoughts that can’t bring food or money.That is shabby gentilism that symbolizes selfishness and not thinking at all.

    • Keep on cheering Fred on with his veiled plans and innuendos until he begins to believe his own illusions and does something treasonous. In Zambia, we change governments by elections. Fred and his posse just got a rude awakening in Kawambwa. They just realised that not many Zambians are buying all the mud and negativity they are peddling.

  3. Comrade Mmembe, if we look at what happened in kawambwa, it raises a lot of hope for the opposition as a whole if only a formula can be concretized for 2026. Clearly the combined vote of the opposition in kawambwa was 50.58 percent as opposed to the UPND’s 49.41 percent meaning that the rulling party failed to capture the required 50+1 percentage votes, projecting this into 2026, it is possible that such a scenario may be achieved meaning the potential for a rerun is very possible, it is now time for the opposition to come up with workable solutions that will harmonise such an eventuality so that going forward agreements are made on how to proceed as opposition should such a scenario present itself in 2026
    The writer is a comrade in SP

  4. Comrade Mmembe, if we look at what happened in kawambwa, it raises a lot of hope for the opposition as a whole if only a formula can be concretized for 2026. Clearly the combined vote of the opposition in kawambwa was 50.58 percent as opposed to the UPND’s 49.41 percent meaning that the rulling party failed to capture the required 50+1 percentage votes, projecting this into 2026, it is possible that such a scenario may be achieved meaning the potential for a rerun is very possible, it is now time for the opposition to come up with workable solutions that will harmonise such an eventuality so that going forward agreements are made on how to proceed as opposition should such a scenario present itself in 2026, in order to avoid squabbles
    The writer is a comrade in SP

    • That is a misconception to think that if opposition came together even the voters will vote likewise. Changing the variables of the candidates does not keep the same results. In other words, not all the people who voted for the opposition candidates were voting against the UPND but were voting for their preferred candidate and if that particular candidate does not participate its not automatic that they all would vote for another opposition candidate. Yes it is possible that some may vote for another opposition candidate but its also possible that some may not vote at all and others may even vote for the UPND candidate so the results would not look the same if the candidates variable changed. So people should remove this misconception that all those who vote for the opposition are all against the UPND hence if opposition merged it would automatically sum up the votes towards them, I’m afraid that may not be true.

  5. Is it true its Mr. Fred Mmembe who wrote this article? For the first time the article does not have his usual words like puppet, imperialist, tribalist, tin pot dictator to mention just a few and funny enough I managed to read the whole article. What happened to the man because the article is far shorter than his usual long ones he writes? And the article seem more sober than his usual writings although it does not still seem to bring out viable points for someone to understands what the man is talking about but it is still much sober for someone aspiring to be leader. And this where most opposition leaders are missing it, a leader should inspire people to follow them not always taking ill about others that is not leadership and it does not inspire genuine poeple to follow such leaders only disgruntled people follow such leaders.


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