Davies Chama storms PF caucus, tells Lubinda his appointments are illegal


PATRIOTIC Front National Chairman Davies Chama on Wednesday stormed a caucus which was being chaired by acting party president Given Lubinda and told him that the appointments he had made were illegal.

On Monday, Lubinda appointed Raphael Nakacinda as party secretary general, Bowman Lusambo as Mobilisation Chairperson, Emmanuel Mwamba as Information and Publicity Chairperson, among others.

But Chama told News Diggers that the appointments came as a surprise to him and he wondered why they were done in that way.

And according to sources, Lubinda convened a caucus meeting for members of parliament on Wednesday which Chama was not invited to.

However, as the meeting was going on, Chama walked in and went straight to Lubinda, telling him that his appointments were illegal.

“You quoted Chama for a story in your paper today (Wednesday) saying he is shocked by the appointment. We had a caucus meeting as PF MPs with Lubinda at Fatmols Guest House. After the meeting started, Davies Chama walked in and started telling off Lubinda that ‘these appointments you are making are illegal’. The meeting was… News diggers


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