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“Deal with your cadres and guide your Inspector General of Police,” Kampyongo challenges Mwiimbu


“Deal with your cadres and guide your Inspector General of Police,” Kampyongo challenges Mwiimbu
As the first deputy Speaker curtails a point of order detailing massive cadresism in UPND…

Yesterday, Shiwang’andu Member of Parliament Hon. Stephen Kampyongo challenged Home Affairs Minister Hon. Jack Mwiimbu to report to the house on how they are responding to the growing threat of violence from UPND members in the country.

Speaking as he raised a point of order against the current Minister of Home Affairs, the Former Home Affairs Minister stated that since parliament was adjourning sine die, it was important that the UPND Government provide the nation with an update on how they intend to address the current violence being perpetuated by UPND members.

“Thank you, Minister, for debating so well, and I was really encouraged by the design of the debate. But I thought the Minister would take advantage of this time to speak against the violent activities that have recently occurred.”

“Madam Speaker, the day before yesterday, a gentleman who is a presidential campaign member for the current Head of State was attacked in Kanyama by his fellow members of the party. In Mukushi, during the elections for Deputy Mayor, two honorable councillors belonging to UPND were clobbered by their own members.”

However, the First Deputy Speaker curtailed the former minister, who, in his response, stated that the issues were of recent occurrence, and it was imperative that such matters be addressed, as it is the duty of every citizen to bring them to his attention.

“Madam Speaker, the Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security has made very interesting pronouncements. And I thought it was in order not to take advantage to deal with these vices that are popping up, including guiding his Inspector General of Police, who has been overly politicized.”


  1. You deal with yowa court cases.

    Trying to stir up public sympathy on social media will not sort out your court cases.

  2. That should not come from you kampyongo, such advice coming from you is like a mockery to the Zambian’s, sometimes try to be ashamed of what you say because you are a disgrace, with power in your hands you did worse and you cared less for humanity, to you , you were a semi devil not semi God because a god is inclined to do good but your inclination was to harm and today you want to look holy? Leave such talk to unblemished people, not you

  3. Those are the remnants of the piefu members. The MP and the former home affairs minister must shut up and show remorse.
    Let those with clean record of good leadership talk or make meaningful contributions and not failures

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