December 24, 2024

The Drug Enforcement Commission -DEC- has declared Chawama Member of Parliament TASILA LUNGU as its most wanted person.

DEC Director General NASON BANDA says the law enforcement agency is tired of waiting for former President EDGAR LUNGU’s daughter to appear and answer some questions.

Mr. BANDA says Ms. LUNGU has eluded the DEC for a long time and her lawyers have been engaging them.

Speaking at the end of the year press briefing in Lusaka today, Mr. BANDA said the DEC is interested in getting answers from the Chawama lawmaker on certain issues.

And Mr. BANDA has revealed that DEC has remitted 30 million dollars and 57 million kwacha to the Treasury from money recovered from money laundering activities this year.

Mr. BANDA said the money was recovered from the 299 cases of money laundering activities reported to DEC this year.

He further revealed that 274 vehicles were seized which led to 35 of them being forfeited to the state and 129 are still being investigated.

Mr. BANDA also revealed that 63 out of 130 active drug cartels in Zambia have been dismantled this year.

He said the success rate for the dismantling of cartels stands at 48 percent.

Meanwhile, Mr. BANDA has revealed that 240 million kwacha will be spent on constructing a rehabilitation center in the Balmoral area of Lusaka.

Mr. BANDA says DEC has already done the Environmental Impact Assessment for the area and the road connecting the site is being constructed.

He says DEC has also applied to have one of the seized properties from proceeds of crime to be converted into a rehabilitation center.


  1. Even if she appeared in person, she would simply say she was gifted whatever is in question by her father. We must at some point get to her father.

    • Read the comments section on the earlier article today about her brother. His attempt to place an injuction fail.
      One of the commenters explained why it failed.
      All these Lungu children state that they were gifted by their father but fail to explain how. When they do. They will be adjuicing evidence as to how Lungu obtain the money to gift them. Basically tying a noose around his neck and telling us where got the money from.

  2. Tasila and his brothers and sister can advise the father and mother properly but the law enforcement agencies are doing their job diligently slow but sure

  3. Tasila work hard don’t follow your father’s foot steps of shortcuts and cleptomanic this government is not praying around they are serious in fighting corruption your friend Faith is free after surrendering what she got illegally will end up being in jail.Dont think GBM,Chitotela and Nixon Chilangwa are stupid, Next is out.

    • HH will ONLY go to Prison IF he has broken the law. This why we say, if you have proof, why wait until 2026. Go to DEC or ACC and report. No one will shout at you or throw you in cells or urinate on you. Feel free. Hasnt Sampa sue the state over mopani? Who has insulted Sampa over his action. The truth shall set you free. Please report.

  4. Run Tasila run
    Hide Tasila hide
    DEC will get you and you will go to prison on behalf of your CHIKALA father.
    Well-done chagwa, your family will pay while you slowly rot.

  5. What about her seat as member of parliament? It should be declared vacant for the election of a new member of parliament to represent people of Chawama Constituence.

  6. Okey this girl has nerve, you just fence off part of Zambia and call it yours until people protest, then you fence off another part of the country together with wildlife and again call it yours, and in all this, the father is hitting backing vocals

  7. Dec should send an extradition request to the USA where she is hiding with the millions she stole. Trump doesn’t brook nonsense and will send her back.


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