Home Politics UPND Demolition Of Makeshift Stalls At Munyaule Market For Modernisation- Lusaka City Council

Demolition Of Makeshift Stalls At Munyaule Market For Modernisation- Lusaka City Council



…..Before the demolition, the Local Authority issued several notices to traders, instructing them to vacate the premises, as the contractor was ready to commence construction work on the site.

The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has taken a significant step toward modernising markets in the city by partnering with a developer to construct a modern facility at Munyaule Market.

This move aims to enhance the market’s infrastructure and create a more efficient and appealing trading environment for vendors and shoppers alike.

The project reflects the council’s commitment to improving market facilities and supporting local businesses.

To pave the way for the construction of this modern structure, the Council took decisive action in the early hours of today by demolishing the makeshift stalls at Munyaule market.

This move is not only part of the council’s broader initiative to enhance market infrastructure across the city, but also one of the measures for averting outbreaks of various diseases in future.

Before the demolition, the Local Authority issued several notices to traders, instructing them to vacate the premises, as the contractor was ready to commence construction work on the site.

Unfortunately, despite the Council’s clear instructions, the traders did not vacate the area, which violated the Urban and Regional Planning Act No. 3 of 2015.

As a result, the council had no choice but to proceed with the demolition, ensuring compliance with regulations and facilitating the much-needed modernization of the market.

Issued By:
Chola Mwamba
Public Relations Manager
Lusaka City Council


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