Emmanuel Mwamba
Destroying People, Purging Institutions and Corporations of Professionals
The deep injury that has been caused to many professionals and others that have been fired, removed, dismissed, dropped or transfered just because they were appointed by/or in the previous administration, will be hard to overcome or heal from.
The case of Prof Luke Mumba, PhD is one in point.
Here is a professional removed purely because his appointment occurred under President Edgar Lungu.
Before his appointment, Prof Luke Mumba was Coordinator of the African Science, Technology, and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) Initiative of NEPAD.
Prior to joining ASTII he coordinated both the Southern Africa Network for Biosciences (SANBio) and the Regional Centres & Initiatives of NEPAD.
He was Dean in the School of Natural Sciences at the University at the Zambia (UNZA), he has an academic career spurning over 25 years. He holds a dual appointment as an Associate Professor in genetics in the Department of Biological Sciences at UNZA; and an Extraordinary Associate Professorship in the Department of Botany & Zoology of the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Prof. Mumba holds a PhD in Plant Genetics from University of Cambridge (1994) and an MSc in Molecular Genetics from University of Wales (1987), United Kingdom. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and contributed book chapters.