Don’t blame HH… Esther Lungu did not invite Hichilema to witness her transactions- Kawana


Don’t blame HH, says Kawana … Esther did not invite Hichilema to witness her transactions

Ministry of Information Media Director Thabo Kawana says the arrest of former first lady Esther Lungu must teach leaders to serve with integrity when in position of power, saying the President must not be blamed as he is not the one who told her to get the vehicles and park them in her yard.

Speaking on the arrest of Esther over the theft of motor vehicles, Kawana said it was actually folly for anyone to suggest that President Hakainde Hichilema was persecuting the Lungus following the arrest of Esther.

He said the police have stated clearly why they have arrested the former first lady.

“There are matters there. So unless somebody wants to tell me that ma galimoto aya yapezeka naba (these vehicles which have been found with the former) first lady came from the President. Then you can say why are they not arresting the owner of the vehicles but arresting the person who was simply given? Unless you are telling me that the money they are talking about came from the President then somebody will come and tell me yes, why are they not arresting the President the one who gave the former first lady the money?” Kawana asked, saying president Hichilema has nothing to do with the matters that are before the police. “This thing is clearly…


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