Dr Kenneth Kaunda warned us about the dangers of having Mr Hichilema as President- Fred M’membe

Dr Fred M'membe

By Fred M’membe, President of the Socialist Party

President Levy Mwanawasa warned us about the deceptive character of Mr Hakainde Hichilema. But we didn’t listen! Dr Kenneth Kaunda warned us about the dangers of having Mr Hichilema as President. But again we didn’t listen!

And here we are today being led to nowhere but self destruction as a nation by Mr Hichilema. Our independence, sovereignty, national honour and dignity has been sold to imperialists and transnational corporations by Mr Hichilema.

Mr Hichilema is truly double-tongued. And probably that is why he is always wagging his tongue like a snake when talking. He really double talks; he is very deceitful in speech. His speeches are marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another.


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