By Ennie Kishiki
Economic Front, Former National Spokesperson, Humphrey Kabwe, has condemned the recent revelation by Information and Media Permanent Secretary, Thabo Kawana, that the UPND government have planned to translate the Concourt judgement over Former President Edgar Lungu eligibility case into seven major languages.
Recently, the Ministry of Information and Media, said the Constitutional Court judgement over former President Edgar Lungu’s eligibility case, will be translated into the seven Zambian local languages on national radio and television.
But Commenting on the development in a statement, Mr. Kabwe, said it is embarrassing and unacceptable to see the government begin to waste the little resources that the country has, on a document which has got no impact on the collapsing economy of the country.
Mr. Kabwe, said even if the government translates the Concourt judgement over Former President eligibility case in all the languages, it will not reduce the costs of living or improve the lives of ordinary people who are suffering due to bad economic policies.
He further, appealed to Zambian to stand up and condemn this move of wasting money on this document, which he said has got no positive effect on the lives of the people.
This move or plan by Government is definitely an unnecessary cost on our treasury. Just treat this case the same way as Chilangwa and Chitotela’s cases. The only further public expenditure on these cases should be buying box files to shove them in and send them to the judicial archive. Kwasila, kwamana, capwa!
The plan is very progressive and I think it gives respect to the people of Zambia. Information, especially true information, is invaluable in democracy. Please go ahead and save people from the misinformation machinations of Emmanuel Mwamba, Zayelo Lubinda and others.
This is commendable. Distribution of critical information is a very important task for any government. It is critical that the issues of governance are well explained and not left to the misinterpretations of canning politicians.
It seems some individuals are okey with the fact that some of our citizens are unable to read and understand the verdict in a foreign language.
Let’s be progressive. Let the people be empowered to make informed decisions so that the truth is given to them first in a clear language they understand. We have seen how manipulative some politicians are. The take full advantage of the illiteracy levels in our country.
That is why free Education now is a game changer. More Zambians will be given an opportunity to read and write hence will be able to make informed decisions. This was one of the biggest injustices done to our citizens.
Year after year hundreds and thousands of individuals were removed from the Education systems in preference for a few resulting in millions of uneducated citizens over the years. This coupled with high expenses for school fees and PTA amounts it became very limiting to many citizens.
An informed and well educated citizenry is our only effective cure to the reckless and selfish politicians who only see their stomachs as a the only focus. Education is a great way of giving power back to the people as poor leaders won’t survive the scrutiny of a well informed society. There is absolutely no room for lies or misinformation.