Home Politics PeP Edgar Lungu can’t convince any reasonable Zambian that there’s something that he...

Edgar Lungu can’t convince any reasonable Zambian that there’s something that he omitted or forgot to achieve in 7 yrs – Sean Tembo



By Sean Tembo

So then, what is our detailed position regarding UKA? Well, let me start by saying that l have utmost respect for each of the individuals that currently make up UKA. In fact, a good number of them are my personal friends. However, l personally see the UKA project as a comedy of errors. That is largely because of the presence of former President Lungu in the alliance, as well as the model that has been adopted to create UKA whereby it is made up of leaders of individual political parties. It is a well known fact that Hon. Miles Sampa has stolen the PF party, of course with help from the ruling UPND. It is also common knowledge that the court wrangles in PF are unlikely to be resolved before the 2026 general elections, again with the help of the ruling UPND party. Therefore, by President Lungu being in UKA in his capacity as PF President, he is effectively transmitting the wrangles which are in PF into UKA. Therefore, instead of UKA providing an alternative platform to the hijacked PF, it is instead facing the same dilemma as the hijacked PF.

Coming to President Lungu himself, my considered view is that any alliance involving the PF has to be devoid of Former President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, if it is going to be sellable to the people. I have no doubt in my mind that the majority of the Zambian people want President Hakainde Hichilema gone after 2021, but l also have no doubt in my mind that the majority of the Zambian people do not want Former President Lungu to go back to State House. Mr. Lungu had seven years to run the affairs of this nation, and he did what he could. Apart from diehard PF Supporters, l do not think the Former President can convince any reasonable Zambian that there is something that he omitted or forgot to achieve while in office, for which he needs to be elected back.

Of course it has become fashionable on the world scene for former leaders to seek re-election and to in fact be elected back into office. But our local circumstances here are quite different. For starters, the Former President currently does not have a political party. Hon. Miles Sampa is officially in charge, and l have no doubt in my mind that he is working day and night to ensure that he completely destroys the PF party, of course with the guidance, collaboration and support of the Government. I would not want to delve into how the Former President lost the party to Hon. Miles Sampa, that is a discussion for another day. Suffice to say that in African politics, opposition leaders are endangered species. The ruling party is constantly working to undermine and eliminate you. For you to survive, you need to constantly think and act one step ahead of the ruling party.

SET 15.03.2024


  1. But he is more popular than yourself! What he probably needs are not the same PF people that used to hang around him. Having a different group of political players from other parties may probably provide a regulatory influence to the excesses of the former leader. One only hopes you are not trying to distract people from the need for the opposition to come together.

    • Ba Kaoma, Mr. Lungu was comfortable with the likes of Mr. Lusambo, Mr. Kampyongo and all the other rabble rousers. The anarchy we saw during his rule defines his nature and change of company will not make any difference.

      The opposition coming together will not make a difference in the outcome of the 2026 elections. It will still be a contest between Mr. Hichilema and Mr. Lungu. For me, I have already cast my vote.

  2. S. Tembo is very right. But for Dr. Kaoma’s comparison, lets try to see how it goes here and what to chose from if given items or in situations.

    1. For those who have witnessed anarchy or violence and who have witnessed peace and stability which one can you choose between the two.

    2. For those who wanted to be in school but because of finances they were unable or could not go or continue with their education.
    . Those who want their children to be educated. Which obe can you go for
    ( free education or paying for their child
    ren school fees )

    3. Those ( students ) who are in public universities.
    – which of the two here can they go for.
    (Being paid meal allowance – a person paying them meal allowance or the one who will openly say he will not pay them meal allowances.

    4. On these two which one can those completing their tertiary education including those who are generally looking for employment.
    – can they go to the one who will say don’t employ many people / or just not employing transparently Zambians or the one who is employing youths and generally other people who are looking for employment openly.

    5. Which one can one go for
    – a violent parent who is too talkative and pompus or a sober minded parent who is free to talk to his childrem and others as

    6. Which one can one go for here
    – to stsy in a peaceful community even when things are expensive or tough or to be in a war like community where other arrogant leaders steal from the people and give them as if it is coming from them and also killing their own people

    6. Which one can you go for here.
    — a parent who is fond of borrowing kaloba more than what he can manage and fails to
    pay on agreed dates and risks family properties being grabbed or a parent who can borrow within reach and still tskes care of his family despite the harsh situation but maintains his family properties.

    I will rather stay where there is peace than share a bed with a quarrel some wife or husband.

    i will rather be with HH because i know that the future is bright than be with ecl and end up in his 7 years of gassng, cadrestism, kaloba and defauting on kalobaand bloodsheds in makerts and bus stations.


  3. @mankambiz

    I have always paid for my children’s education in grant-aided schools. This is largely due to the collapse of the public education system. The government schools I went to in my time cannot be compared to the government schools of today. Classes in the 70s and 80s had 35 pupils on average. Today, government schools have 70 pupils plus. There is no quality education to boast about under the UPND free education system. Show me a UPND leader with their children in government schools. I am sure you will find none. Most of them are in private or grant-aided schools because of the poor quality education offered by government schools. Under KK’s free education, we used to learn with children of UNIP leaders because there was quality education in government schools. So let us learn to be truthful to ourselves.

  4. UPND free education is a sham. The poor are being scammed and being made to believe what they are receiving is the best they can get. UPND creates a false consciousness with their dubious free education. Under KK’s free education, I received my primary and secondary education at minimal cost. GRZ paid for my undergraduate studies at UNZA and my masters in the UK. How many poor Zambians today have such opportunities?

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