Home Politics PF Edgar Lungu’s political comeback A FLOP- Brebner Changala

Edgar Lungu’s political comeback A FLOP- Brebner Changala


FORMER republican president Edgar Lungu’s political comeback has not made an impact on the current Zambian political arena, civil and human rights activist Brebner Changala has said.

Mr. Changalatold The Scoop that Mr. Lungu’s return to active politics has only escalated inter party conflicts within the former rulingPatriotic Front (PF).

Recently, to the full-throated cheers of his supporters, Zambia’s sixth President announced that he was making a political comeback, after having retired from active politics in 2021 following a humiliating defeat in a presidential election.

Mr. Lungu ruled the country through the PF for seven years after taking over from late Michael Sata, who died in 2014 lost to President Hakainde Hichilema with over a million votes.

Commenting on Mr. Lungu’s return to active politics, civil and human rights activist Brebner Changala said, “it has no impact on the current Zambian political arena.”

“ECL’s comeback on the political arena has had no impact; the only thing we are seeing are increased divisions within the opposition PF,” Mr. Changala said.

He however said talking about Mr. Lungu’s political comeback was a sheer waste of time as the country had enough economic problems to attend to.

“What really is shocking to me is that there is so much talk around ECL. It is like ECL is making so much noise that we are wondering how this would help solve the existing economic challenges such as high cost of living, kwacha depreciation among others,” Mr. Changala said.

Mr. Changala urged the government to concentrate on fixing the economy rather than wasting its time on Mr. Lungu’s political comeback.

Meanwhile, former PF deputy secretary general Mumbi Phiri said those underrating the former ruling party would be shocked in 2026.

Speaking to The Scoop, Ms. Phiri claimed the New Dawn Administration would be shown an exit door during the 2026 general election.

“The UPND should concentrate on bettering the cost of living and not Edgar Lungu otherwise they will be shocked. We are ready to work with the opposition and UPND should be ready for us if the status call does not change,” Ms. Phiri said.

She added “Currently, people are quiet and it is not a good sign, you will hear them speak in 2026 if the country’s status does

-The Scoop Newspaper


  1. One of my favourite Sayings by late President Samora Machel:”When you see your Enemy making a Mistake, don’t disturb him”!!!

    • Hahaha. So true though. When he was in the background, he was a lot more effective because he kept Hakainde guessing and having sleepless nights.

  2. PF don’t seem to know that they are loathed by many Zambians. Other than PF cadres, ordinary citizens are inwardly scared of a PF return and what it will result into.

    The PF of Given Lubinda would rather threaten citizens that when they comeback they will continue from where they left. They behave like they are not the causer of the economic hardships the country is experiencing. All they articulate is their hatred for HH and the UPND, never the economy or governance.

    have never apologized to the citizens they harmed. Those they terrorised on markets, bus stations and other public places are still hurting. Those they retired on tribal grounds and the region’s they marginalized are scared stiff of a PF return and will do anything to ensure that the PF remains an opposition party.

    If they were to bounce back, cadres will be more viscous, leaders will be more brazen in their plunder, political space will be closed for all except PF supporters and sympathizers. Nepotism, tribalism and regionalism in government jobs and business opportunities will be the modus operandi. Paying ka something PF cadres to be employed in the civil service and defence and security organisations will be back as a normal practice. Land grabbing will be a daily occurrence. Alebwelelapo is scaring.

  3. He was not supposed to resign in the first place but I understand he wanted to read HH’s mind first Lungu was so much scared of being prosecuted by HH but after finding out that HH was weak he came back.These PF criminals were supposed to be prosecuted and arrested in just few months after HH took over this is the only thing am disappointed with UPND there not serious fighting corruption there too comfortable now and they forget their duty.

  4. The coming back of ECL wasn’t to cause a revolution. It was meant to save the PF from being anhilated by Hakainde. Hakainde wanted to cause confusion at the PF Convention.PF knew this and delayed the convention. Hakainde became desperate and started using the Registrar of Societies to force the Holding of the Convention. PF resisted. Hakainde’s desperation reached alarming levels until like a thief, he openly organized an illegal meeting to steal the PF. This will fail too.
    ECL is a figure head of PF. He will hold the party from disintegrating. The PF Vice President, Madame Inonge Wina has gone to sleep..and the reasons are clear. She can’t rock the UPND’s tribal project..
    When ECL starts his appraisal of local PF structures, then Mr Changala, you will see
    his power. Hakainde won’t allow this …But is he going to allow Sampa to have legitimacy by visiting local structures of PF? That’s stalking tensions in the country. Hakainde tried taking his mingalato to ECZ. This has failed too.
    But what is clear is that the courts won’t be adjourning a clear case of theft of a political party for another year. The Miles Sampa’s Hakainde project is a doomed project. And if Hakainde clings to the project 2024 will be another wasted year for UPND.
    So Mr Changala, bola panshi, look at the variables involved, then you will see that ECL coming back is not a failed project…and you will prove me right.

  5. The goal for miles sampa is a long term one Sampa knows 2026 is not for him but he just want to secure that place then after 2026 you will see the real Sampa even I believe Sampa will make coalition with UPND during 2026 elections then after 2026 he will turn tiger against UPND.

    • UPND doesn’t need any coalition in 2026 so the plan fails right in the mad.
      With Sampa’s party/faction, the PF North East vote will be split with other small Nashala neka parties that don’t even have councillors. UPND wont need to campaign much anywhere!!

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