President Edgar Lungu’s third term bid a clear cut agenda of Stayism and eroding of democracy.
The post colonial trend of leadership in some African states has taken a trajectory of stayism and Godfather and this can be seen through ECL’s bid for the third term.
Any political science scholar will attest that if Lungu comes into power, ‘God forbid’ he will at all cost ensure he becomes a life President more so with the brutal character that he exhibits Zambia will be plunged into a one party state.
It is important, as a country and as a people to critically analyze the machinations that ECL and his team had put in place in ensuring they perpetuate their stay in power and the reasons.
One of the reasons is kletocracy and knowing too well that this has a negative effect on them, their bid to come back becomes the only safe landing they have.
But is Zambia in short of leaders, especially in the so called Tonse Alliance that all members can be duped into believing that it can only be Lungu and no one else without fully analyzing the consequences of bringing such a leader back into office? It is important to look at the leadership style of our man with regards to the violation of the rule of law, which is one of the fundamentals of democracy and human rights.
How was the rule of law during ECL’s time?
Were elections free and fair?
Elections under ECL were purely a window-dressing ritual as can be seen from the electoral violence that we experienced.
ECL brought gorrila movements of arming cadres and gave them unlimited powers to the extent that the law enforcement agencies had no spine to curb violence, instead they could be beaten by the cadres.
Do we need to go back there?
It is therefore important for all of us to raise and defend not just the future of this country but the constitution.
Just thinking out loud.
Lungu was simply the mist useless president ever to rule over a country….
Unfortunately he is not coming back
Fortunately, boss.
It’s unfortunate other opposition leaders like Fred meembe,Sean Tembo whom I used to regard extremely intelligent people can not see this.The one who has put us in this whole mess is one person by the name ECL his thirst for more terms than required in the constitution. People let’s stop this man and advice him to take statesmanship.Especially the Catholic assist please.
Please don’t appeal to the Catholics, they, through among others their bishop satana Banda, with his band of pfidiot priests, are in the forefront championing ecls third term bid. So leave the catholics to continue their pursuit for the third term!