A business owner at Society Business Park in Lusaka has been forced to send 12 workers home, following the closure of the lavish facility.

The business owner who sought anonymity says he has tried to find alternative trading space, but rentals are prohibitive because owners of shops have taken advantage of the Society Business Park saga.

He says for now, he has no choice but to send his troubled workers home until he finds a way to financially navigate the problem that was unforeseen.

On Wednesday this week, the National Pension Scheme authority (NAPSA) announced that it had shut down the premises due to a structural failure and tenants were given 10 days to vacate the facility.

The move taken to save both life and property has, however, turned out to be a nightmare for helpless employers and employees to adhere to the directive that has led to inevitable job losses.


  1. Since those workers have been sent home, and the business will not operate for some time, what returns should a business submit during this period in terms of Napsa, PAYE and VAT, is there any notification from the business need for statutory payments??

    • The law should prescribe such eventualities. The absence of what you have discribed is a failure in the law and those responsible need to have ad hoc policies, a raise SI’s to address the absence of the law.
      Samlindo great question, I do; notwithstanding, suggest you go to the relevant Government department, agency and parastatal and pose the question directly to the officers there.
      What you dont want is a situation, where you are found derelic; yet the law may not have provided for the circumstance. And this is a sad situation where both the tentant, employer and employee are “caught between rock and a hard place”. ZNPF had provision for some kind of “unemployment benefits” (not sure but worth finding out). And an issue with safe guards from abuse Zambians should consider urging government to put in place. A tough one, given the abuse that has been suggested to occur in government’s effort (regardless of regime) in the National Health Insurance.

  2. Since those workers have been sent home, and the business will not operate for some time, what returns should a business submit during this period in terms of Napsa, PAYE and VAT, is there any notification from the business need for statutory payments??

    • The law should prescribe such eventualities. The absence of what you have discribed is a failure in the law and those responsible need to have ad hoc policies, a raise SI’s to address the absence of the law.
      Samlindo great question, I do; notwithstanding, suggest you go to the relevant Government department, agency and parastatal and pose the question directly to the officers there.
      What you dont want is a situation, where you are found derelic; yet the law may not have provided for the circumstance. And this is a sad situation where both the tentant, employer and employee are “caught between rock and a hard place”. ZNPF had provision for some kind of “unemployment benefits” (not sure but worth finding out). And an issue with safe guards from abuse Zambians should consider urging government to put in place. A tough one, given the abuse that has been suggested to occur in government’s effort (regardless of regime) in the National Health Insurance.

  3. Some businesses which dont need to be in the central business area can rent business premises from other areas in Lusaka like Chelstone, Avondale etc pending the rectification of that dangerous Society Business Park. NAPSA should just make a public advert asking for people able rent business premises which can then be offered to some of the affected businesses. I am sure some of the affected businesses will be able to operate elsewhere in Lusaka.

  4. Some businesses which dont need to be in the central business area can rent business premises from other areas in Lusaka like Chelstone, Avondale etc pending the rectification of that dangerous Society Business Park. NAPSA should just make a public advert asking for people able rent business premises which can then be offered to some of the affected businesses. I am sure some of the affected businesses will be able to operate elsewhere in Lusaka.

  5. The employees are still entitled to their employment rights. So employers should not only send their workers home but pay them their redundancies, gratuity, etc.

    • Ba Chilyata without sounding ignorant (which is the case) what are provisions in the law regarding redunancy or work stopped on account of extenuiating circumstance as this? Just wondering, curious and want to hear the prevailing law, policy that would apply. Gratuity is paid at the of a contract and sometime pro rated depending one’s contract stipulations.
      Work related injury is covered under “workers or workmen’s compensation”.
      Redunancy may not apply (and seek clarity) but work stopped as in this case. What is the law? Who covers that?

  6. The employees are still entitled to their employment rights. So employers should not only send their workers home but pay them their redundancies, gratuity, etc.

    • Ba Chilyata without sounding ignorant (which is the case) what are provisions in the law regarding redunancy or work stopped on account of extenuiating circumstance as this? Just wondering, curious and want to hear the prevailing law, policy that would apply. Gratuity is paid at the of a contract and sometime pro rated depending one’s contract stipulations.
      Work related injury is covered under “workers or workmen’s compensation”.
      Redunancy may not apply (and seek clarity) but work stopped as in this case. What is the law? Who covers that?


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