HEALTH Minister Elijah Muchima says encouraging ZAMMSA employees to be whistle-blowers will help curb some of the scandals at his ministry.
And Muchima says encouraging whistle blowing is his leadership style, arguing that only criminal minds can be scared of whistle blowers.
On Wednesday, News Diggers published an editorial which advised Muchima not to supervise the ZAMMSA management but dissolve the board if it had failed to do so.
Reacting to this in an interview, however, Muchima said he needed to monitor ZAMMSA as he would be blamed if there was anything going wrong at the institution. “If I supervise the board and the board supervises management, what’s wrong with me even to get to the people concerned directly that…
Again a Minister blowing hot air without understanding the ramifications.
Mr. Muchima you love to politik. That is all you do. Too much theory very little practical insight or forethought.
Start with sending a bill to Parliament to protect whistleblowers. You are asking people to “stick out their necks on the cutting board” without any legal backing of protection. With all manner of degrees you have your knowledge base is still in the stoneage…..aikona man!
Again a Minister blowing hot air without understanding the ramifications.
Mr. Muchima you love to politik. That is all you do. Too much theory very little practical insight or forethought.
Start with sending a bill to Parliament to protect whistleblowers. You are asking people to “stick out their necks on the cutting board” without any legal backing of protection. With all manner of degrees you have your knowledge base is still in the stoneage…..aikona man!