Fate Behind The Kawambwa By-Elections – Hon. Maureen Mabonga


Fate Behind The Kawambwa By-Elections

Hon. Maureen Mabonga writes;
This is my brother and Colleague Hon Ronald Kaoma Chitotela Member of Parliament for Pambashe in Kawambwa district who is also former Minister of Tourism Arts and Culture. For the past three months now Him, together with Hon Nickson Chilangwa Member of Parliament for Kawambwa Central also PFs Deputy Secretary General, Kawambwa Mayor and 3 others have been in Mukobeko Maximum Prison. Among the five people two are Hon Chitotelas Young brothers. We have three men from one family in Prison.

They’re in Prison because of, a Vehicle belonging to the UPND was burnt during the 2021 election campaigns.

I must mention here that this same matter was dealt with by the high court and the six were found not guilty and were acquitted but to the case was reopened and brought back to the Magistrate Court where they were found guilty of the offense and the magistrate convicted them even when there was no evidence to prove that these people were at the scene when the incident happened.

Well, my brothers are in jail with their innocence. We have every reason to be bitter but we choose to forgive even this injustice. We have taken note of all of them who are facing similar challenges. We can only say
Justice will prevail no matter how long it will take.

We are praying for you and all others who are being persecuted.
Hon. Maureen Mabonga- Mfuwe Constituency .


  1. They are not innocent but guilty of the offence. They participated arrogantly, we were there we saw BUT as the case was…who can convict gurus like the Chitotelas and Chilangwas that time!

    Even Judges were scared Not that they weren’t guilty that time.

    That time PF was a Hot metal even Judges could be burnt.

  2. Your brother chitotela has now been sentenced to 10years so just start preparing for pambashi by-elections as well. Just rent a house instead of going back and forth ok?????

  3. I am failing to find the relationship between the headline and the narrative in the story. The headline is talking about the fate behind the by elections in Kawambwa and the story is talking about the arrest of Ronald Chitotela and his brothers. The two are different stories with no relationship between them. Pambashe could be in Kawambwa district and the by elections are for Kawambwa Constituency.

  4. I have not seen the court record. I cannot therefore comment on the validity of Maureen Mabonga’s assertion. I have seen the video that has led to Hon Mabonga’s criminal prosecution. It’s vile. I could not believe that it came from the mouth of an MP who had also lived outside her village in Mfuwe. Zambian politicians from both the governing party and the opposition would do well to seek literature or counsel on post-colonial nation-building so that they can appreciate the game they’re really in. Organisations such as the Frederick Erbet Foundation could actually arrange workshops for MPs to help them understand and appreciate the long and bloody history of modern nation-building in Europe and what Zambia can learn.


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