Home Court Former RTSA CEO Zindaba Soko Detained for Failure to Attend Court, Faces...

Former RTSA CEO Zindaba Soko Detained for Failure to Attend Court, Faces Forgery Charges

Zindaba Soko

Former Chief Executive Officer of the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), Zindaba Soko, has been detained until further notice following his failure to attend court sittings in a forgery case. The development comes as Lusaka Principal Resident Magistrate Irene Wishimanga reserved ruling to March 1, 2024, following Mr. Soko’s explanation for his absence in court.

Mr. Soko, who is charged with forgery and uttering false documents, cited being misled by his previous lawyers regarding the court schedule as the reason for his absence. He claimed that this misinformation led him to travel to Dubai for a job interview, which resulted in his failure to appear before the court.

The situation escalated after Magistrate Wishimanga issued a bench warrant against Mr. Soko on February 19, 2024, due to his non-appearance in court.

In the ongoing case, Mr. Soko is jointly charged with two others for forgery, in addition to facing the charge of uttering false documents.


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