Fr Chonde’s must not apologise for saying bad leader Herod will be removed – Rev Chilekwa
By Chinoyi Chipulu
Former Ndola Pastor’s Fellowship chairperson Reverend Chilekwa Mulenga says asking a servant of God to publicly apologise or clarify a Homily is very strange.
Rev Mulenga was reacting to a video where Ndola based Catholic priest Father Chalwe Chonde shared a video clarifying his recent Homily where he was describing King Herod as a selfish leader.
In his Homily, Fr Chonde who is also Radio Ichengelo company executive officer said King Herod did not want to be replaced by anyone because he was a bad leader but he would be removed.
But Rev Mulenga said Fr Chonde did not mention anyone, and therefore no need for him to
Tyrant Herald will indeed be removed.
As the good priest said, no one lives forever, and Herald’s time is getting closer.
Kuya beebele. Fake pressure.
Vote wisely in 2026.
So he meant HH?
Because Herold is biblical you can’t remove him…where is he?
This is why I say look at the name ( Chilekwa) and you know why such a follow up comment or remark.
Mutundu imbi don’t like to be ruled
Kano nga ebo.
HH can’t be removed by your voice. After all your voice is ku voicemail.
Chileminyonga! Ale Teka mpaka 20 sate 1 and third term.
Haleya halelapila.
Faka pressure!!!!
Vote wisely in 2026.
Then what was he insinuating? Was there any salvation in the utterances? If he was talking about Lungu, why bring politics on to the pulpit?
The church should stick to its calling, salvation and the need for people to turn to God in tough times, seek out his word in the last days as man is but a creation of God and will let man down from time to time. The bible says “Judge not, lest you be judged.” Chilekwa should stick to his calling, instead of trying to be the “Almighty in knowledge”
There is no salvation in witchcraft.
Haleya huyu.
Vote wisely in 2026.
Indigo is a satan nyoko
Am now wondering whether this Tyrol is a ZAMBIAN.
No Zambian can write such useless Bemba.
ONLY asylum seekers related to Seer 1 interested in seeing Zambia in disunity.
From now let’s borrow Hon. Nakachinda’s binoculars to focus on this character.
Religion can never be divorced from politics because both claim they are here to improve your life
Fellow Bembas, you are embarrassing us. Don’t use the pulpit to disseminate hatred of Tongas it’s distasteful even to God the maker. Hakainde Hichilema was anointed by God himself to serve Zambian at this very difficult transition time where NO OTHER ZAMBIAN WOULD HAVE MANAGED. It required somebody who is already rich, has no stealing and lying culture, of sober mind and with higher or excellent economic prowess and education and God had to choose the best student in an economics class from UNZA to do the job hence HH7. You indult him you insult the LORD who put him there. So my dear fellow Bembas and Easterners please accept to be ruled now. We have stolen long enough. Let others without kleptomania sanitize the country and BE QUITE, PRAY AND WATCH!!!!!. I am not UPND and I am a descendant of Chief Chipalo in Luwingu but we’ll educated and have lived in Southern province and whether you like it or not. The president of Zambia at this crucial time brought about by drought and Lungu’s carelessness and kleptomania, had to come from people with a culture of hard work and in Zambia that is non other than Tongas, Ilas, Luvales and Zambezi Lundas…note that I have left out Lozis because I know they don’t fit here. I know them very well. So the almighty chose HH7. Embress him and enjoy the ride as we behold God saving Zambia from the abyss where Lungu would have landed us. Have a blessed 2025.
The church is PF and PF is the church.
And indigo is a follower of both including is father lungu
True! We have seen it all!
It is just sad and very unfortunate that this church is failing to stop it’s irresponsible clergymen from being political.Why can’t a church sit down it’s clergy and culture them or teach them on how to conduct themselves accordingly.We respect the church our relatives and friends including our leaders go to the same church of they continue talking badly on our leaders we may fight back with equal language to suite the occasion but we restrain our selves to a void hatred for each other in families and the nation.They must preach peace and love not hate.Bad Speaches are part of hate speach.If you like our leaders to blamed people in the bible we can not smile and feel happy.You are hurting us too much with your crazy talks some of you the clergy.We love you we need you but you are very provocative indeed.You want to do comedy instead of dealing with the word of God.Resign and register with the National Arts council and we shall follow and watch the comedy at playhouse.Not promote hate in churches no please.
They have shown you who they are! Don’t spare them! Take them on and force them off the pulpit to join politics. This is PF. These used to be Christians for Lungu and after losing power they have become fragmented. Some have joined the pulpit to disseminate fake prophetic messages of campaigning for Lungu while trying to disguise themselves.
Chisesa chitontoli, robe without wisdom!
The problem is the Catholics claim dominance over other churches and insinuate that if any government Goes against them You are out of Power….
I don’t know how valid this thought is. Ati every country that has locked horns with Catholics have lost power. I have never known any!
This why you see them making comments and getting involved in country politics with pride.
Even those who don’t understand DEMOCRACY as long as they are Catholic Priests or Fathers make similar PROVOKING noises.
It has been Catholic Fathers in conflict with the government today and tomorrow.
Catholic system( church) has been running or ruling the medieval times including the ‘Dark Ages’ and dethroned many European kings who went against them. This is NOT new and even persecuted, killed religious icons like Huss for daring to go against them. If in doubt, just study medieval or dark ages history. It is very unfortunate that this is removed from the people and a different picture is given – though at times this truth tries to pop its head. The majority of Catholic membership have no clue about this and their clergy wants it this way.
What lies! Go to school and learn how to articulate
Catholics can not claim dominance! Go to the Western world. They’re very discredit due to their old culture of sexual abuse of the kids back in the days. Most old Catholic preachers are dead after servicing sentences and others are in prison in their old ages.