…the party has decided to pay for his Casket as a way of extending a helping hand says Kelvin Kaunda
Lusaka… Sunday, January 5, 2025
SOCIALIST Party (SP) has bought a Casket worth over K50, 000 for the late artiste Wesley Chibambo, popularly known as King Dandy.
SP National Youth Chairperson Kelvin Kaunda says as a way of extending a helping hand to ease the burden on late King Dandy’s family, the party has decided to pay for his Casket.
“As Socialist Party, we decided to extend a helping hand to ease the burden on the bereaved family. We know a lot of well wishers, including our fellow opposition political party leaders and musicians have offered the necessary support. And as such, we considered it befitting that we pay for and secure a befitting Casket for ‘King Dandy’ costing K51,600,” said MCC Kelvin Kaunda.
The celebrated Artiste who had a very close relationship with Chairman Kaunda will be put to rest tomorrow, January 6, at Leopard Hill Memorial in Lusaka.
The 47 year-old King Dandy succumbed to injuries following a tragic road traffic accident on December 31, 2024.
He met his fate when he was on his way to Kitwe on the Copperbelt where he was scheduled to perform at New Year’s Eve.
Four other people, including Dandy Krazy’s dancer, driver and backing vocalist, died in the same accident.
Is it necessary to publicize such gestures?
Ubufotini pa zed too much
Butbuyi chipuba zoona…ati ba President ataseee…
But uyu chipuba zoona….ati ba President ataseee….
What is the purpose of telling us about the coffin? This not necessary at all.
It is in African. Such gestures go silent and only to learn from other people about it.
Fred M’membe is behaving strangely.
Posing….to make up for what is truely in his heart. Its him and no one else.
Do any of these people look at the well being of the decease people’s family after these people are buried?
Better you bury me in a shoud (burial garment : winding-sheet, cerement.) Than spend all this money for pomp and splendor, when my body will decompose. And pay for food and a shelter that would give my children a chance to survive the harsh realities when I can no longer provide for them.
Baniwone baniwone…for who? Themselves, so that we can foolishly elect them not for the policies that they will create to help most of us succeed and prosper, but for them to line their pockets from the treasury and perpetuate their stay in office and those offices be succeeded by their children
Hmm this funeral is expensive
So PF party has bought a casket befitting Dandy’s status. Socialist party has also bought one befitting Dandy’s status. Who’s next, Citizens first party? This is now becoming a circus. All seeking political mileage over Dandy Krazy’s demise. If all these political parties meant well, the least they could’ve done is open up a trust for Dandy’s children. The family needs this money that these political parties want to throw into the grave.
And that is all it is.
The same way they think we dont see the circus that they have turned politics into. What do we or even the deceased people profit from this charade (an empty or deceptive act or pretense.)
We have a bunch of people who think that is leadership and we are so gallible. And the bazungu who want to help uplift the livihood and build capacity for the vunlerable people in rural Zambia are just “gob stopped” in shock at how the same people that want to talk about corruption, declaration of HH’s wealth can spend that kind of money on a coffin or a burial polt yet can pay their party workers for six months, cant run a business or its workers or pay taxes and instead run down an airline and a bank taking away jobs from those that dedicated themselves to their institutions and ideals.
How does anyone in their right mind vote for such characters? Maliagning and innuendo is their policy trade mark. Period and to recoup their investment for such showcasing? Steal from the treasury, money meant for all citizens…..
Look at the date on the receipt even!
When I say Zambian politicians are adult idi-ots. This is exactly what I mean. You have now seen for yourselves how desperate and fool-ish they are. A funeral becomes a publicity issue. Shame on you.
Kulibonesha taa, always wanting to be seen and praised by men. Christ said what your right hand is doing should not be known by the left hand and your Heavenly Father who sees in secrecy will see you and bless you. Those who can read can read this: Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 6:2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. Matthew 6:3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: Matthew 6:4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
We should follow Christ’s teachings because we are not just Christians by name but by deeds and God shall richly bless us.
Thus is how low as a country we have become, this young man has children most of the who ll be share among poor relatives, honestly the whole opposition political chinenas want to be voted into power because they bought a casket for 53,000 or secure a expensive burial site for 100,000. Fred you fail to secure future for post worker. So if vote into office ll be buying coffins and burying dead expensive whilst denying the living their right. This is true dull people in darkness suites pretend to make good leaders if given power bullcrap.
That is the level of the so called opposition. Trying to get political capital even from death surely!
Mmembe is such a disgusting individual.
This action alone has exposed him for what he is.