Kasebamashila Kaseba
What is troubling me is how proud the once self sufficient Tongas or UPND praisers are of the new erstwhile beggar status.
In the late 1970s, when I first saw yellow nshima from food aid of neighboring homestead in Shamilimo village, 42 kilometers west of Lusaka, near Nampundwe mine, we, the children,swarmed there to watch a spectacle the miserable poor starving children or family eat yellow nshima.
I, we could not touch, much less eat it. That is how proud we were raised.
It was another 12 years in the early 1990s of FJT after livestock diseases wiped at least 500 to 1,000 family head of cattle at Shamilimo that I was to consciously the of spectacle of the miserable poor school leaver on holiday in Mvumbe (Mulela village, Mumbwa Road) eating yellow nshima or chiwaya.
I was raised to believe begging or asking (and debt) is better than stealing. Not that begging itself is good. I also recall pity others who “rented” draft oxen every farming season.
To UPND and HH praisers begging for food aid or beans is a matter of pride better than EL’s debt crisis or hole.
That national food insecurity is way better than national debt or financial insecurity.
Stockholm syndrome reloaded Saturday Conundrum.
One Zambia – Two Prides
What is the article all about?
I am wondering what the author has intended to put across. Perhaps this is advanced journalism, not meant for laymen like me!
I read the title and couldn’t make any sense of it. I never read the content
I can’t see any sense in whatever you are trying to say here. How do you compare an artificial disaster to a natural disaster? That’s being illogical, ECL’s artificial disaster came upon our nation through irresponsible and reckless borrowing while HH’s natural disaster fell upon our nation as a result of the drought. The major maize producing provinces; Southern, Central and Eastern were badly affected by the drought and had a bad season. When did you ever see Zambia getting food aid or begging food after a good season? It has never happened. HH is not a rain maker and if there was crop failure in Zambia, it has nothing to do with HH, mulelanda ifya mano Ba Mudala. The yellow maize you are talking about came to Zambia after having bad seasons, el-nino either brings drought or too much rains causing floods. You are a journalist and yet you don’t see all these things, where to report from and what do report if you don’t know about el-nino effects? The drought is temporal, if we receive rains next season, life will come back to normal and we shall even forget about food crisis or begging. But the accumulated debt, even after restructuring it, will be there for a foreseeable future affecting our children, grand children and great grandchildren. In my opinion, we are better off begging food in the face of the drought which is temporal than living with a debt.
This writer is trying to praise ECL for running this country dry due to corruption and feels that it is better to run the country dry than to beg for food. Unfortunately, for you Kaseba we have never begged for food fro anywhere. All we did was put our state of the nation across to the international community and those who voluntarily gave are doing it on their own without us twisting their arms. We have also given out to countries which were in need before.
The bottom line is that Kaseba is praising ECL’s corruption. Says it is better to steal than to “ask and it shall be given to you full measure, pressed down and overflowing….”. Ba Kaseba kwena!
We have few journalists in Zambia. The large majority are mere reporters trained to gather news and disseminate it raw. When they write an article it is always a poor product full of holes. When the reader punches additional holes the whole article becomes hollow. The Zambian so called journalism schools must up their game.
” New erstwhile beggar status”. Some term from HH’s gadfly who wants and expects push-button solutions to long-standing problems in Zambia. Kasebamashila is better off asking questions than engaging in this sort of thing.
Kaseba stop being an ass
How silly are you to forget that it was lungu and PF who set in motion the problems we are facing today. The new dawn is testing to fix this, you are either part of the solution or the problem.
Stop being a effing pf sympathizer