During a raid of Kachasu brewers in Garden Compound, Minister of Local Government, Gary Nkombo, forced a mother and her children to drink the Kachasu she brews. My heart wept!
Yes, we have a frightening crisis of alcohol and drug abuse in the townships. It is one that is consuming youth and women, especially. It is so bad it needs emergency attention. That attention, however, is not raids and abuse of brewers.
Minister Nkombo, the substance abuse in our communities is a symptom of the deep poverty, high unemployment and attendant hunger in the country. Just as the numbers of vendors on our streets are.
The answer is not to abuse a poor woman on camera. Humiliate her in a way you would never do to the children of the rich, who gather every weekend in fancy homes in leafy suburbs to drown their privilege, in underage binge drinking of expensive liquor and abuse of drugs.
The only reason that woman could be bullied and humiliated by the Minister is because she is poor and faceless. In this Zambia, that means she is not a full human being.
Minister, invite these communities to discuss the crisis consuming them. Gather women, youth, civil society actors, church leaders, some Kachasu brewers in a community hall to come up with structural answers. Small changes like refusal to sell the brew to the 10-year olds we see totally plastered.
If you do not know how to talk to communities, other than through a campaign microphone, invite civil society. We will facilitate it for you. You will be amazed at what you will achieve.
Believe me, the poor can think. They can address their problems, given the respect and space.