LAWYER Charles Changano says former Defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba won’t repay anything to the state, until the matter is exhausted by the highest court of appeal.
Last week, the Economic and Financial Crimes Court ordered GBM to repay a total of US$899,970 (K24.9 million) and K20 million to the State following his conviction on corrupt practices.
Mwamba was on October 9, 2024 sentenced to five years imprisonment for possession of properties deemed to be proceeds of crime, conflict of interest and money laundering. He, however, appealed his five-year sentence in the Lusaka High Court.
News Diggers
What chances does his appeal have? People please…
LEAs should place a lien on his assets, ni ma sebela yamene ba yamba aba.
Jata, this is the same man who funded UPND to reach out in Luapula, Northern and Muchinga you are mistreating. Mark my words whatever today you are doing to your little god HH perceived enemies will come to haunt you individually and you will never have peace . You have set the standard for your traps in future . The ranches that you are creating/ buying and replacing people will be reprocessed by the government and sold to highest bidders. Today you can place judges , police commissioners in place you want to control and achieve your objectives, today you can send police officers from different parts of the country for voter registration in night time not draw public attention but you are lying to yourselves because the same officers are not happy with your political agendas and dictatorship. Police from lusaka are Imufumbwe north western region . Police in central province are in western province .
They are going to be witnesses after 2026. Time for pay back time is coming closer
Pls stop masquaring lies. GBM fund UPND? The man came with his tail between his feet after Lungu cut his life line contract at FRA (ARIZONA trucking?) after Sata died. Get your facts correct. We ask and we learn before we speak not like Emmanuel Mwamba.
Yes, UPND used him to make inroads into the Abema Ngandu clan, and chose to leave the party and go back to PF no one asked him to leave UPND….
But he thought that that would give him immunity. Sorry. Do what you do for the good of Zambia not so that you can hide your criminality. Didnt the same happen to Kelvin Sampa? He thought joining UPND would allow him to do his criminal activities. No sir, while am not a card carrying member of the Party. I support what they stand for.
Bwana what you suggest is what has messed up Zambia. Turn a blind eye when politicans steal. No that money politicans steal belongs to me, you and every Zambian. So please dont lie that GBM funded UPND, dont justify criminality. Let GBM learn that being from a royal family doesnt mean he is above the law. The lawis the law. GBM stole while he was Minister of Defence. This is why we are suffering stealing. Bufi eyo bane