Here are the highlights from the press briefing by Civil Service Commission Chairperson, Dr. Choolwe Beyani;
✅The 2024 recruitment of health workers under the Ministry of Health has been completed, with a total of 4,140 candidates recruited into the public service.
✅The names of the successful candidates will be published in the Zambia Daily Mail and Times of Zambia on Monday, 27th January 2025.
✅The successful candidates are advised to collect their appointment letters from the respective Provincial Health offices starting Wednesday, 29th January 2025 from 09:00 hours.
✅The successful candidates will be expected to present their National Registration cards (NRC’S) and original copies of their professional qualifications for ease of identification and verification respectively.
✅3,494 health workers were recruited through the competitive process spearheaded by the District Sub- Committees and Provincial Human Resource Management Committees.
✅And 646 candidates were professional cholera volunteers, as per Government’s commitment, all the professional health cholera volunteers will be recruited through this process.
✅Distribution of positions by province;
i. Copperbelt: 529
ii. Southern: 493
iii. Eastern: 491
iv. Luapula: 430
v. Northern: 420
vi. Northwestern: 400
vii. Western: 415
viii. Central: 337
ix. Lusaka: 339
x. Muchinga: 286
✅Among the recruited health workers are registered nurses, midwives, clinical officers, environmental health technologists and Junior resident medical officers.
✅Successful candidates are urged to seize the opportunity to serve the public with a great sense of responsibility and professionalism in order to drive the country’s health service delivery to higher heights.
✅Government has since urged the communities to help the newly recruited settle in their roles so that the intended service delivery can be provided without interruption.
✅The unsuccessful candidates, are advised not to lose hope as government has shown commitment by considerably employing substantive numbers annually.
Great this is job well done.The youths are smiling once again.The government we trust at work.
Where will they get the money to pay these new workers?
Over 60 percent of government expenditure goes to paying civil servants.
Do we have any economists in government? I mean real economists, not village ones.
Vote wisely in 2026.
I would advise you to listen to the annual national budget announcement evey last Friday of the September every year and it will tell you where the money is coming from and where it is going. Where do you think the 36 million CDF money is coming from and all other government funded programs?
Ba Indigo, is it so difficult for you to find it in your heart to rejoice with these young people and their families that 4,000 unemployed fellow Zambians will have an income and help their extended families? Is it really your problem or an issue where Government will find the money to pay them? Please kindly do us a favour and check out the names on Monday newspapers List if all the 4,000 are from Zambezi Region, since this is your speciality and expertise topic?
Filling in civil servant vacancies is not job creation my friend!! Use your loaf man!!!
should read:”.. civil service vacancies..”
Clearly you don’t understand how jobs are created so let me help you understand it. A job is created when there is gap in an organization to provide a service due to growth in the damand of a particular service. In other words, when a mismatch arises between the demand for a service and it’s provision, then it’s a gap for a new job opportunity and if the gap (job) is not filled in, it results in ineffeciencies in the provision of that particular service. Maybe let me give you a simple example of a barbershop. If the barbershop serves 10 customers daily with a certain number of barbers and then the number of customers grows to 50, it means they would need to employ more barbers if they want to continue providing the same level of service because maintaining the same number of barbers will not be able to handle this increased number of customers efficiently. And currently the country need about 100,000 more teachers to make the teacher to pupil ratio of 1 to 40 or even more teachers to make it 1 to 35. So please try to learn the basics before you comment on issues you have little understanding.
Why waste your time, Sir, these people have never ever had any capacity to understand anything, except tribalism and negative talk, “Mwabafumishe kwi?”
The figure of 4,000 is reasonable and sustainable for an economy like ours , considering the death rate , retirements, and population growth . This is how the civil service grows.
The 80,000 shock recruitment in 2022/2023 of Teachers, Health personnel, Soldiers, Policemen …and even Dr Nervous Mumba’s addition to the wage bill was wrong , and responsible for the mess the country is in.
The initiating dominos of Hakainde’s free fall economy was this not well thought through huge recruitment of Public service Workers and the parallel structures he created at community house,( close to 70% demands on our entire National revenue ) groups of expensive foreign advisors of the Tony Blair type..These Parallel structures rendered cabinet dysfunctional as most key decisions never passed through cabinet…
While at the same time negating revenue from Zambia’s traditional revenue earners such as the mines.
These initiating dominos are running at full speed in the economy resulting in the free fall economy Zambia is in.
What Hakainde did to address his outrageous populist promises he had made during his campaigns was a big blunder.
Banking on the revenue from Mopani and those small mines he has been officially opening as the anti dote to our economic ills is a fallacy… wishful thinking. No significant investments are being done at Mopani, KCM is a BID case, the Luanshya Copper Mines noise , is just noise .
Where is Hakainde going to get money for his bloated civil service and the other populist policies which are draining our resources? Some Teachers are only working for 2 hours in a week but drawing full salaries..they are too many at some schools.
Further, Some schools are too small but getting the same free education grants as big schools…They have now resorted to the so called ‘ ichilimba’ using government money. This is Hakainde’s model..and he will employ more Teachers next week!
President Ruto of Kenya tried the Hakainde model, removing subsidies on fuel so as to recruit 30,000 public service workers! The man was almost removed from power.
The mess Zambia is in is not about the Debt ( Zambia hasn’t been servicing this debt from 2020) , it’s not the drought ( we only had the drought last year. The Agricultural and Energy Sectors were messed up in 2022) …The mess we are in is all about Hakainde’s policies…
Hakainde’s poor policies on the same topic of recruitment, and his Populism can also be seen in this case. He recruits public service workers with intentions of providing services to rural areas, which have remained under serviced for years…but the same man again comes up with a policy that married couples should stay together. And all recruited public service workers migrate back to urban areas! You just look at the man in amazement.
Let us move on Guys. This finger pointing Debate is exhausting and will never end. When people “dig in” and decide to stay in their “Trenches”, it is time to move on. All that I know is that there’s jubilations in the families of the 4,000 Zambian young people this weekend and I join them in their Celebrations. I don’t want to spoil their Celebrations with negative talk about the “wrong things” this Government has done. It is better to do something “wrongly” than not to do anything at all. And which past Government has not messed since 1964. Some even worse!
Yes, families will celebrate from first of whatever month and weep, come month end!
Slave labour is unpaid labour!!!