SECRETARY to the Treasury, Felix Nkulukusa, has clarified that government has not bought Zambeef’s Chiawa farm. However, Nkulukusa says IDC is considering purchasing the farm, and is currently undertaking due diligence on the property.

Recently, government disclosed that it had purchased Zambeef’s Chiawa Estate Farm in Kafue District at $13.5 million and handed it over to the Zambia National Service (ZNS) and Zambia Correctional Service (ZCS) for its management.

This announcement has attracted heavy criticism from many stakeholders who have questioned government’s decision to spend such a large sum of money on the farm when the state already has farming blocks that can be developed.

News Diggers


  1. Mr. Miles Sampa, Mr. Mtonga, the Ambassador of Lies Mwamba and others that have misconcieved notions as how things work.
    Here the Secretary to the Treasury has spoken on behalf of Government. The arm that acts and transacts on behalf of the Government possibly with the legal arm.
    For Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba you owe Muna nd Valentine an apology for bring their names into disrepute and slander. If I was them I would sue your behind into oblivion. Too often out of malice you heartlessly make statements without forethought.
    Its a lesson to those that want parot. Ask question instead of making unfound accusation. For political milegage people make unfound statement drawn from scanty information. What a pitiful set of human beings.

  2. This Government is so disgusting. Who is supposed to give a statement on this? The secretary to the Treasury??
    Let’s have the Ministers of Information and defense tell us the status of this transaction. This Government awe sure! Drip drip information… Tomorrow some one in the same Government will give another version.

    • Are the said Minister techincally compentent to explain the process? Please sit down…You were same ones paroting lies and showing how ignorant you are with your Mwamba and Miles Sampa.
      You keep wanting to suggest there is something wrong with this transaction. Do yoy even understand what due diligence is? Saying Valentine and HH are thieves. Understand to what extent measures were put in place to make the Privatization process as transparent as posssible. If you dont even understand this. Ask instead of exposing your ignorance
      IDC is owned by Government and the Minister of Finance acts on behalf of Government (read Act Cap 349 of the Laws of Zambia). The Secretary to Treasury can act as his agent/secretary.
      You want to speak of this transaction scroll back and look at the valuation and the price government paid for Marcopolo tiles. Ask if any proper due diligence was done.
      Ask and have a mind open enough to learn.

  3. Ka Small Damage Control … Kikikiki
    You have been caught napping!
    Some Zambeef shareholders like Hakainde are in IDC!
    Did they declare personal interest before the commencement of the so called Due Diligence?
    Honesty is very important when you are in Public Office! It’s your only assurance to walk the Streets Freely after leaving office!
    How much Wealth is too much?
    One Greek Philosopher said a man who is a slave to riches cannot be trusted!
    We have seen it with our own eyes!

    • What kind of idiocy is stuck in your prophetically stupid head? When and where did HH have shares in zambeef or IDC? And when did your fellow pfidiot bwamba that announced this fake news become government spokesman? Stop your stupidity and stop talking from your as**s!!


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