Govt releases over K976m for CDF


Govt releases over K976m for CDF

By Fanny Kalonda

MINISTRY of Local Government has released K976,422,159.96 to local authorities for the Constituency Development Fund.
Ministry permanent secretary for administration Maambo Haamaundu announced in a statement released by public relations officer Chila Namaiko that the disbursement amount translates to K6,259,116.4 per constituency.

Haamaundu said from the total disbursed amount so far, most constituencies have received slightly over seven million to implement CDF projects.

He said local authorities should continuously engage the public through the CDF committees, ward development committees and zonal leaders to ensure all stakeholders are aware of what is happening at each stage.

“Most constituencies have had their proposals for grants, bursaries and skills development for the year 2022 approved. I urge you all working with the CDF committees to disburse the funds to the intended beneficiaries,” Haamaundu said.

He stressed the need to ensure annual budget ceilings are adhered to and for local authorities to adhere to the public procurement Act and the public finance Act.


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