Patriotic Front Mporokoso Member of Parliament Brian Mundubile is calling on government to prioritize the well-being of the country by immediately halting all power exports and begin importing electricity to address the emergency energy crisis.

Zesco limited has announced that it will be rationing electricity to residential customers, providing less than three hours of power per day on a rotating schedule, citing a significant power shortfall that has hindered its ability to implement the 17-hour power rationing schedule which was initially set to begin on September 1, 2024.

But in an interview with Phoenix News, Mr. Mundubile expressed concern that government ignored earlier warnings and failed to take the necessary measures to prevent the current power crisis, which is now severely impacting small businesses and threatening livelihoods across the country.

Mr Mundubile says as early as January last year, parliamentarians had advised government to stop exporting power in anticipation of an impending energy crisis but it continued with power exports, leaving the country vulnerable to the shortages it now faces.

According to Mr. Mundubile, government’s inaction has led to serious economic consequences, particularly for small businesses that are struggling to survive amid frequent load-shedding.

He says if not swiftly addressed, the current power shortages are likely to result in further economic decline, with many businesses failing which will lead to the Zambia Revenue Authority also failing to meet its revenue targets in tax collections.



  1. Halting of power exports, yes, but it has to be done in a normal but proper and legal way taking into serous consideration of the terms and conditions contained in the agreements for power exports .

    Some of thiese power exports, agreements or contracts have not been entered ingo today some were left by PF government which mundubila knows very well.

    Just imagine fot example if you have houses that you have put on rent and are occupied by tenants and then one of your child and some relatives have their houses colapsed because of the natural calamity say strong wind, heavy rain or may be swept by floods. Can yiu just jump and remove the tenants that are occupying your rented houses to move out and live those houses for your child and relatives? NO! it doesn’t work like that because those people first and foremost,
    1. As tenants they also have the rights as tenants.
    2. As tenants they also have a wriiten binding contracts or agreements that need to be respected and honoured.
    3. In case you do it by forse they can also take you to court for not respecting and being ablidged to the agreement.
    4. You may end up losing credibility and business because of creating an uncertainty environment for yiur clients or customers whom you will nerd tomorrow .
    5. The tenants will also need ample time to organise themselves if not they will end up sleeping outside becsuse or since they did not also plan for that apart from having a written binding contracts in their hands.

    So these are the things thaythat mundubila knows very well but just trying to mislead the people by playing pplitics.
    Another good example iis for them as PF presidential aspiring candidates who paid for PF presidential candidature but later Lungu nyunyadi them so is Miles Sampa, you have now gone to court to contest that. Even your pronouncement of your seats of being nulified by the deputy speaker, you were all making noise and you are in court challenging the speaket so are these agreements its not as easy as you politise it. So kindly feed the people with proper information.

  2. Halting of power exports, yes, but it has to be done in a normal but proper and legal way taking into serous consideration of the terms and conditions contained in the agreements for power exports .

    Some of thiese power exports, agreements or contracts have not been entered ingo today some were left by PF government which mundubila knows very well.

    Just imagine fot example if you have houses that you have put on rent and are occupied by tenants and then one of your child and some relatives have their houses colapsed because of the natural calamity say strong wind, heavy rain or may be swept by floods. Can yiu just jump and remove the tenants that are occupying your rented houses to move out and live those houses for your child and relatives? NO! it doesn’t work like that because those people first and foremost,
    1. As tenants they also have the rights as tenants.
    2. As tenants they also have a wriiten binding contracts or agreements that need to be respected and honoured.
    3. In case you do it by forse they can also take you to court for not respecting and being ablidged to the agreement.
    4. You may end up losing credibility and business because of creating an uncertainty environment for yiur clients or customers whom you will nerd tomorrow .
    5. The tenants will also need ample time to organise themselves if not they will end up sleeping outside becsuse or since they did not also plan for that apart from having a written binding contracts in their hands.

    So these are the things thaythat mundubila knows very well but just trying to mislead the people by playing pplitics.
    Another good example iis for them as PF presidential aspiring candidates who paid for PF presidential candidature but later Lungu nyunyadi them so is Miles Sampa, you have now gone to court to contest that. Even your pronouncement of your seats of being nulified by the deputy speaker, you were all making noise and you are in court challenging the speaket so are these agreements its not as easy as you politise it. So kindly feed the people with proper information.


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